Releases: scylladb/java-driver
Releases · scylladb/java-driver
What's Changed
- HostConnectionPool pendingBorrows can be nil at closing @dkropachev in #465
- Do not append "-fedora" to os.detected.classifier anymore @Bouncheck in #472
- Fix conviction policy counter go negative @dkropachev in #466
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- fix(metadata): reduce registration log messages of tabletMap listener by @dkropachev in #431
- 3.x: Make all queries to system.local contain WHERE clause by @dkropachev in #437
- Add step to parse and publish as artifact test results by @dkropachev in #454
- 3.x: Clean up the mocks after DnsEndpointTest by @Bouncheck in #432
- Move metadata internal API to use List instead of Set as replicas store by @dkropachev in #446
- 3.x: Update github ubuntu runner by @dkropachev in #455
- Introduce skipCQL4MetadataResolveMethod to address CQL4 issues by @dkropachev in #463
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Bump sphinx-scylladb-theme from 1.8.4 to 1.8.5 in /docs by @dependabot in #421
- Increase enterprise requirement for ZeroTokenNodesIT by @Bouncheck in #435
- Add "WHERE key='local'" to accelerate queries against system.local by @mykaul in #434
- 4.x: Make all queries to system.local use WHERE clause by @dkropachev in #436
- Bump io.netty:netty-handler from 4.1.116.Final to 4.1.118.Final by @dependabot in #433
- Pull upstream changes until 4.18.1 by @Bouncheck in #452
- 4.x: Update github ubuntu runner image by @dkropachev in #457
- Parse test results and publish html report by @dkropachev in #461
- Intruduce flag to disable skip metadata by @dkropachev in #458
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- 3.x: TokenAwarePolicy fix bad perf of ReplicaOrdering.RANDOM by @dkropachev in #427
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- docs: forward-ports from 3.x by @tchaikov in #256
- 4.x: Change to ScyllaDB Java Driver by @Bouncheck in #318
- docs 4.x: Remove setuptools from docs/pyproject.toml by @Bouncheck in #320
- 4.x: Fix version fetch by @dkropachev in #328
- Fix to work properly with rc by @dkropachev in #329
- Warn if consistency level is overridden by @dkropachev in #325
- CI: cache java dependencies by @dkropachev in #326
- Reorganize github actions to make it possible to set branch-rules by @dkropachev in #327
- Remove System.out.println. by @daniloarodrigues in #316
- Add Resolver interface and implementations by @Bouncheck in #332
- Fix
IllegalState Attempting to use a Ccm rule while another is in use. This is disallowed
issue by @dkropachev in #338 - Upgrade ccm version by @Bouncheck in #340
- Add
by @Bouncheck in #335 - More MockResolver tests by @Bouncheck in #337
- CICD: Pull image before running the test by @dkropachev in #339
- Fix ControlConnection log message by @Bouncheck in #342
- 4.x: Update LBP manual by @Gor027 in #205
- Replace Resolver implementations with library solution by @Bouncheck in #354
- 4.x: Add optional fallback for
by @Bouncheck in #341 - docs: update to theme 1.8.3 and bring improvements from 3.x to set 4.x as default branch by @dgarcia360 in #367
- docs: add missing utils by @dgarcia360 in #370
- Updates netty version to 4.1.115.Final by @Bouncheck in #372
- 4.x: Improve DefaultMetadata's TabletMap tablet invalidation logic by @Bouncheck in #388
- Bump ch.qos.logback:logback-classic from 1.2.3 to 1.2.13 by @dependabot in #381
- Bump from 25.1-jre to 32.0.0-jre by @dependabot in #375
- Bump org.testng:testng from 7.3.0 to 7.5.1 by @dependabot in #374
- Bump org.json:json from 20230227 to 20231013 by @dependabot in #373
- 4.x: Add config for zero-token nodes & ZeroTokenNodesIT by @Bouncheck in #402
- Update default value and documentation of `advanced.metadata.schema.r… by @Bouncheck in #404
- 4.x: Rename Java 1.8 to 8.0 by @dkropachev in #408
- 4.x: move from adopt to temurin by @dkropachev in #410
- 4.x: Increase version requirement for ZeroTokenNodesIT by @Bouncheck in #415
- 4.x: Upgrade to netty 4.1.116.Final by @Bouncheck in #414
- 4.x: Adjust
by @Bouncheck in #405 - Bump sphinx-scylladb-theme from 1.8.3 to 1.8.4 in /docs by @dependabot in #418
- 4.x: Allow arbitrary Scylla versions in CcmBridge by @Bouncheck in #417
Full Changelog:
Notable changes:
ScyllaDB side changes
- Added tablets support (PR #241)
- Merged with 4.18.0 from upstream
- Added release workflow for 4.x version of the driver
- Dependency upgrades
- CassandraRequirement and DseRequirement test annotations replaced with more general BackendRequirement
- Dependency upgrades
- License adjustments
For more details about upstream refer to upstream's changelog