CRM 2013, 2015, 2016, Dynamics 365: v1.0.1606.08
Release Notes:
1.0.1606.08 - This build supports 2013, 2015 & 2016 ONLY refer to the previous release for a CRM 2011 version
** Fixed issue with DisableNavTour & DisableClientUpdateNotification - - This build supports 2013, 2015 & 2016 ONLY
** Transitioned solution source back to CRM 6.0 to fully support all versions of v6, v7, and v8.
** Using a new method of auto generating new/missing settings from build to build (so it is no longer as tedious of a process). If you see missing settings please report them ASAP.
** Fixed the import link issue, if your existing version detects an update but fails to let you click "Import" use Settings|Solutions|Import instead to update (sorry in advance for any inconvenience).
** Fixed an issue when Ctrl+B is used to force an update check it would check multiple times. It will now only check one time.
** CRM 8.1 one new setting now included
** CRM previous versions, several settings were placed in later builds for v6/7 - those should be adjusted properly now and include all the released UR's as of todays date. - - This build supports 2013 & 2015 ONLY
** Transitioned solution source back to CRM 6.0 to fully support all versions of v6 and v7 - - This build supports 2013 & 2015 ONLY
** Added additional error handling and null check in the setting logic to avoid errors in some environment settings.
** The big add to this build was a change to enable the ability to null out Yammer settings - this change will display your yammer configuration settings in the editor. While you cannot edit these settings, you can now remove the settings to fall back to Activity Feeds or reset the settings to reconfigure Yammer settings. - - This build supports 2013 & 2015 ONLY
** Fixed a settings bug to expose the EnableQuickFindOptimization setting through all 7.x builds in addition to the applicable 5.x and 6.x versions. - - This build supports 2013 & 2015 ONLY
** Fixed a version number detection problem due to a formatting change
** Added new settings for CRM 2015 update rollup 0.1
** Added error handling on javascript toString() for server URL's - - Updated to support 2013 & 2015 ONLY
** Updated azure mobile query to support min/max version to avoid CRM2011 update check conflicts
** Now assuming IE10 or higher - previous solution release will support the previous browser versions - - Updated for 2013 SP1 UR1 (LEO UR1)
** Updated setting version numbers to include LEO
** Added new settings for SP1 and SP1 UR1 - - Updated for 2011 Current and CRM 2013, & 2013 SP1 (LEO)
** Updated setting version numbers to include LEO - - Updated for 2011 Current and CRM 2013 UR2
** Added ability to remove settings. This is technically accomplished by storing all the settings, deleting all settings, then re-adding each setting except for the one you wish to remove. No, it's not elegant but it's functional given the limitations of the OrgDbOrgSettings attribute under the covers.
*** To delete the setting go into the edit page, press the RemoveSetting button, this will reset the value back to "Not Set."
** Added vertical scrollbar to accommodate the growing number of settings
** Improved some jscript xmlhttp calls
** Updated jQuery - - Updated for UR16 and CRM 2013 UR1
** Added three new settings for UR16 (StoreOutlookSyncDataInSensitivityProperty, ListComponentInstalled, GrantSharedAccessForMergeToSubordinateOwner)
** Fixed an issue with the two Authentication orgdborg settings having a null value, changed the defaults to a blank string instead of null.
** Added a maxSupportedVersion to prevent settings in 2011 not yet implemented in CRM 2013 from showing up. - - CRM 2013 Settings.xml updates
** Added UR13 value: EnableReLinkingToExistingCRMRecord with default 0
** Verified functionality for CRM 2013 UR1 - - CRM 2013 Settings.xml updates
** Updated Mobile client values for CRM 2013 (now referred to as Tablet instead of Mobile)
** Added notes to values that are not supported by CRM 2013 which include:
*** AllowPromoteDuplicates - not yet implemented
*** DefaultHeightForWizardReports - not yet implemented
*** SecuritySettingForEmail - not yet implemented
*** IncludeHTC - not applicable for CRM 2013 - - UR15 settings & minor patch
** Default value change to "true" for: DisableMapiCaching & AddressBookMaterializedViewsEnabled.
** Added new UR15 settings for: AllowPromoteDuplicates & SecuritySettingsForEmail
** Added 4 new CRM 2013 Settings 3 of which are maximum number settings for the tablet client (lists, tabs, fields).
** Added more "version check" safety
** Added better error handling / display - - UR14 additional settings & minor patch
** Added ClientDisableTrackingForReplyForwardEmails & UsePlainTextForEmailTemplateBody
** Changed defaults from 1 to 0 for CTE settings (idsCount)
** fixed issue where the grid would show invalid settings when the update failed. - - UR14 & Major release from previous release
** Fixed Azure Mobile query process to avoid an issue with the remote XDR/rest call
** included a change to the CRM Online check to include APAC and EMEA endpoints
** Includes new settings for UR14 -
Notes from previous more major releases:
- Browsers supported: IE 8, 9, 10, 11, Chrome, FireFox, Safari on Mac
- Still supports CRM Online, OnPrem, etc - any CRM deployment will work
- Added support for "Double" DataType
- Added more value parsing and error handling - more consistency and important for the new DataType
- Speed improvements
- Reliability improvements
- Re-organized the code and refactored many methods to reduce complexity and streamline settings
- Found some issues in some configurations of IE8 and IE9, the issue mainly centers around XDR's. It seems to impact relatively few IE8/9 configurations - to deal with this the method of contacting Azure has been updated and after both methods fail I am gracefully handling the issue.
- Re-wrote the method to detect the server URL (for older CRM patch levels). Emulates the Xrm.Utility.getClientUrl by using the browser string along with some parsing assumptions to detect IFD, FQDN, etc - then creates a "client friendly" URL to call back into CRM - now you should be able to access CRM via a url that doesn't necessarily match your webAppUrl.
- Added some detection to filter out update checks in IE8/9 and in compatibility mode