Parses file at given path with given data from an associated array.
The class is elementary, no setters/getters, no nothing, just the working body. Inherit and add more features should you need them.
Example usage:
// Create instance
$tpl = new \SeeKing\tpl\tpl( "path/to/file.html", ["header"=> "Homepage", "url" => "/" ]);
// add more data if needed
$tpl->data["subtitle"] = "The site homepage";
// change file path if needed
$tpl->filePath = "/path/to/some/other/file.html";
// render the template
echo $tpl->render();
// alternative usage with static call
echo \SeeKing\tpl\tpl::html("path/to/file.html", ["header"=> "Homepage", "url" => "/" ]);