Leverages the ruby framework sinatra to provide a very(!) basic wiki. It supports tagging, versions, and (of course) inter-linking, all with the wiki text formatting you're used to (if you've used wikipedia, that is). Oh, hey, it is ruby 1.9 compatible; so there's that...
- dm-core
- dm-is-versioned
- dm-tags
- dm-timestamps
- haml
- sinatra
- wikitext
dm-is-versioned, dm-tags, and dm-timestamps are part of dm-more. You'll need at least 0.9.7. You also need a dm compatible database adapter (sqlite3, mysql, etc.). If you want to use something other than sqlite3, you'll need to edit init.rb until a proper config file system is added.
You can install wikitext from http://github.com/stephenjudkins/ruby-wikitext/tree/master
First copy (or rename) config.yml.template to config.yml in the app root. If you want to use something besides the default datamapper connection string specified in the config you can change it as you wish. You should then
$ rake migrate
To create you're database. Now you're ready to run.
$ ruby wiki.rb
then visit: or visit to start creating a page named "Whatever"
Standard WikiText applies per the wikitext gem. Versioning is active, though complex diffs on versions aren't yet available and merging is still rudimentary.
When rendering a wiki page, items that exist in the database as other pages will be automatically linked to.
- authentication
- diffs on versions