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Releases: serenity-rs/songbird

v0.5.0 β€” Starling

21 Feb 22:11
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Starlings are social birds, known for chittering loudly (often sounding like human speech!) and flocking en masse. Iridescent and speckled like the night sky after twilight, their murmurations make for a beautiful evening sight.

This is a smaller breaking release which adds support for the latest version of twilight (v0.16), with a few main breaking changes:

  • TrackHandles now store an arbitrary Arc<dyn Any>, rather than a TypeMap. You can set this field to any desired type during track creation using the Track::new_with_data API.
  • Legacy encryption modes "xsalsa20_poly1305", "xsalsa20_poly1305_suffix", and "xsalsa20_poly1305_lite" have been removed. If you were explicitly specifying these then please change over to one of the new modes. Discord have ceased serving voice connections with these parameters.
  • simd-json support has been removed from the library.

Thanks to the following for their contributions:






04 Dec 09:57
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This patch release adds the ability to pass custom arguments into yt-dlp instances, and fixes early event handling needed for voice receive as well as inner track handle state after set_track is called.

Thanks to the following for their contributions:




22 Nov 13:32
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This patch release includes some fixes to edge conditions in voice receive, and prevents a panic when creating HLS streams in non-tokio contexts. In addition, users of voice receive can now configure the specification of decoded audio (sample rate, channel count) across Opus's supported values.

Thanks to the following for their contributions:




11 Nov 12:44
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This patch release adds support for Discord's new voice cryptosystems, based on AES256-GCM and XChaCha20Poly1305.
Their use will be mandatory as of 2024-11-18, as will upgrading to Songbird v0.4.4.
Upgrading to this patch version will allow for you to seamlessly negotiate and use those modes, which offer stronger authentication and integrity checking over the cleartext portions of RTP headers.

Thanks to the following for their contributions:





08 Jul 11:07
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This patch release adds in support for HLS and M3U8 stream playback, in addition to several bugfixes.

Thanks to the following for their contributions:



29 Feb 23:11
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This patch release includes several fixes to how audio tasks behave when moved between channels, and prevents a crash on zero-length packets in 48kHz Ogg Vorbis files.
We've also added to YoutubeDl so you can now make use of ytdl's built-in search functionality.

Thanks to the following for their contributions:




v0.4.0 β€” Nightingale

27 Nov 22:25
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Possessing a beautiful, creative, and evocative song through both night and day, the humble Nightingale has long been seen as a symbol of poetry and love.

In keeping with the spirit of this release's passerine of choice, songbird now sings more melodiously than ever!
This release has been a long time coming, and as such Nightingale brings several huge changes to how songbird is used and how it performs.

The largest change by far is a complete overhaul of all code relating to audio decoding, mixing, and loading from different locations, driven by Symphonia.
Broadly, this means that we handle every part of the audio pipeline in-process and ffmpeg is entirely removed, saving significant memory and CPU and letting you scale to more voice calls on one box.
Another boon is that reading in-memory audio now Just Works: if you can treat it as a &[u8], then you're good to go!
Having this level of control also lets us expand our list of file-formats supporting direct Opus passthrough to include Ogg Opus and WebM/MKV, as well as the DCA format.
Given that many sites will serve WebM, this is a significant saving on CPU time for many playback use cases.
Additionally, we now handle HTTP reconnection logic internally, offering more reliable behaviour than certain downloader -> ffmpeg process chains would provide.
Symphonia format support is significant, and you can enable and disable exactly the codecs and containers you need at compile-time.

Voice receive has been given its own fair share of improvements.
Most importantly, all receive sessions now make use of per-user jitter buffers – songbird will now delay decoding of all users to correctly reorder audio packets, smooth out network latency jitter, and to help synchronize playback of several speakers.
Receive functionality is now feature-gated and disabled by default, and so won't affect compile-time or runtime performance if you don't want to make use of it.

Finally, songbird now includes a new deadline-aware audio scheduler, which will pack as many concurrent Calls as possible onto a single thread.
Compared to the previous model we now reduce thread counts, CPU use, and context switching – for context, up to 660 live Opus-passthrough-enabled calls can run on a single thread on a Ryzen 5700X.
This is also helped by how we now park all Calls without any active Tracks onto a single shared event handling async task.

All in all, we're really excited to see what you build with these new tools and performance improvements.

Thanks to the following for their contributions:

Upgrade Pathway


  • ytdl etc. are removed and replaced with new lazy initialisers – read the docs on how to create sources from a URL or local path.
  • All inputs are now lazy by default, so Restartable is no longer needed.
  • Inputs can no longer directly output raw audio, as symphonia must always parse a container/codec pair. We've included a custom RawReader container format and the RawAdapter transform to support this.
  • Metadata is now split according to what you can learn when creating a source (AuxMetadata, e.g. info learned from a web scrape) and what metadata is encoded in a track itself (Metadata). Metadata can only be read once a track is fully initialised and parsed.
  • Songbird can now better encode an audio source's lifecycle from uninitialised, to readable, to having its headers fully parsed. Read the examples on how they can be manipulated, particularly if you want to make use of metadata.
  • Songbird's audio systems have undergone the most change in this release, so this list is non-exhaustive.


  • TrackHandle::action now gives temporary access to a View object – a set of current track state and extracted metadata – which can be used to fire more complex commands like seeking or pre-loading a Track by returning an Action.
  • TrackHandles are now created only from Driver::play/play_input and related methods.
  • tracks::create_player is removed in favour of the above methods on Driver.

Voice Receive:

  • Users of voice receive will now need to enable the "receive" feature.
  • CoreEvent::VoicePacket has now split into two events: RtpPacket and VoiceTick.
    RtpPacket corresponds to raw RTP packets received from each user and does not decode audio, while VoiceTick fires every 20ms and includes the reordered (and decoded, if so configured) audio for every user, synchronised and ready to use.
  • Per-user jitter buffer sizes can be configured using Config::playout_buffer_length and ::playout_spike_length.


  • [driver] Driver: Implement audio scheduler (#179) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:3daf11f]
  • [gateway] Gateway: Add Songbird::iter (#166) ([@fee1-dead]) [c:5bc8430]
  • [driver] Driver/receive: Implement audio reorder/jitter buffer (#156) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:c60c454]
  • [driver] Driver: Split receive into its own feature (#141) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:2277595]
  • [driver] Driver: Add toggle for softclip (#137) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:13946b4]
  • [driver] Support simd_json (#105) ([@vicky5124]) [c:cb0a74f]
  • [driver] Driver/Input: Migrate audio backend to Symphonia (#89) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:8cc7a22]


  • [driver] Driver: Remove RwLock from ThreadPool (#206) ([@kane50613]) [c:1ec569b]
  • [clippy] Chore: Cleanup clippy lints ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:91640f6]
  • [deps] Chore: Upgrade serenity to 0.12.0-rc ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:1487da1]
  • [deps] Chore: Bump DiscoRTP version ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:0ef0e4f]
  • [clippy] Fix clippy pedantic warnings (#204) ([@GnomedDev]) [c:3d307aa]
  • [deps] Update simd-json to 0.13 (#203) ([@GnomedDev]) [c:63d48ee]
  • [deps] Chore: Update Rubato -> 0.14.1 ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:67b3b3e]
  • [deps] Chore: Update (most) dependencies ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:4220c1f]
  • [clippy] Chore: Rust 1.72.0 Clippy lints, adjust MSRV ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:6f80156]
  • [deps] Driver: Replace xsalsa20poly1305 with crypto_secretbox (#198) ([@Sebbl0508]) [c:77a9b46]
  • [ci] Chore(ci): Update rust, cargo and cache actions (#177) ([@jontze]) [c:5ddc8f4]
  • [ci] chore(docs): Update rust setup action and cache (#176) ([@jontze]) [c:4eadeb6]
  • [ci] chore(workflows): Update checkout action to v3 (#175) ([@jontze]) [c:841224e]
  • [driver] Driver: Retune threadpool keepalive time ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:9ab5be8]
  • [driver] Driver: Downgrade failed scheduler message delivery to info ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:02c9812]
  • [clippy] Chore: Clippy fixes to match new MSRV. ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:9fa063f]
  • [deps] Chore: Update dependencies, MSRV. ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:1bf17d1]
  • [deps] Chore: Update dependencies. ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:a5f7d3f]
  • [ci] Repo: Update issue templates ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:6cd3097]
  • [deps] Gateway: Twilight 0.15 support (#171) ([@Erk-]) [c:b2507f3]
  • [clippy] Chore: Fix clippy warnings (#167) ([@fee1-dead]) [c:6e6d8e7]
  • [ci] CI: Disable Windows, MacOS Testing ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:2de071f]
  • [input] Input: Clarify YoutubeDl error if command missing (#160) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:53ebc3c]
  • [deps] Deps: Move to published symphonia v0.5.2 from git ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:fdd0d83]
  • [gateway] Gateway: Simplify return value of join/join_gateway (#157) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:f2fbbfe]
  • [deps] Chore: Update tokio-tungstenite, typemap_rev ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:5d06a42]
  • [deps] Chore: Apply latest nightly clippy lints ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:125c803]
  • [driver] Driver: remove copy to receive &mut for softclip (#143) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:ab18f9e]
  • [deps] Deps: Move symphonia back to mainline repo. ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:b7e40ab]
  • [deps] Deps: Update dev-dependencies ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:f72175b]
  • [deps] Deps: Update Ringbuf, Serde-Aux, Simd-Json, Typemap ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:6a38fc8]
  • [clippy] Chore: Fix new(er) Clippy lints ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:662debd]
  • [deps] Deps: Update Twilight -> v0.14 ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:646190e]
  • [deps] Deps: Update twilight to 0.13 (#147) ([@Erk-]) [c:372156e]
  • [deps] Chore: Update xsalsa20poly1305 -> 0.9 ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:48db45f]
  • [deps] Chore: Rework crate features (#139) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:d8061d5]
  • [driver] Driver: Migrate to tokio_tungstenite (#138) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:76c9851]
  • [input] Input: lazy_static -> once_cell::sync::Lazy (#136) ([@GnomedDev]) [c:0beb0f0]


  • [examples] Chore: Fixup examples, bump version pre-push ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:22ceb17]
  • [deps] Re-disable default Serenity features ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:cc53312]
  • [gateway] Fix compiling with latest serenity (#199) ([@GnomedDev]) [c:509743f]
  • [driver] Driver: Correct buffer instantiation for Rubato ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:935171d]
  • [tests] Chore: Update test URL for playlist. ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:c55a313]
  • [driver] Driver: Don't trim recv_buffer on MacOS ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:019ac27]
  • [driver] Driver: Fix scheduler crash after task closure ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:77e3916]
  • [input] Input: Add HTTP Status Code Checks (#190) ([@maxall41]) [c:c976d50]
  • [driver] Fix: Move WS error handling (#174) ([@Erk-]) [c:500d679]
  • [gateway] Gateway: Fix serenity breaking changes (#173) ([@tazz4843]) [c:4d0c1c0]
  • [driver] fix(ws): Songbird would fail if it could not deserialize ws payload. (#170) ([@Erk-]) [c:c73f498]
  • [repo] Chore: Fix CI badge (#161) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:50dbc62]
  • [input] Input: Pass --no-playlist for YoutubeDl (#168) ([@fee1-dead]) [c:296f0e5]
  • [docs] Docs: Fix a link in constant doc...
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v0.4.0-rc β€” Nightingale

20 Nov 03:00
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Possessing a beautiful, creative, and evocative song through both night and day, the humble Nightingale has long been seen as a symbol of poetry and love.

In keeping with the spirit of this release's passerine of choice, songbird now sings more melodiously than ever!
This release has been a long time coming, and as such Nightingale brings several huge changes to how songbird is used and how it performs.

The largest change by far is a complete overhaul of all code relating to audio decoding, mixing, and loading from different locations, driven by Symphonia.
Broadly, this means that we handle every part of the audio pipeline in-process and ffmpeg is entirely removed, saving significant memory and CPU and letting you scale to more voice calls on one box.
Another boon is that reading in-memory audio now Just Works: if you can treat it as a &[u8], then you're good to go!
Having this level of control also lets us expand our list of file-formats supporting direct Opus passthrough to include Ogg Opus and WebM/MKV, as well as the DCA format.
Given that many sites will serve WebM, this is a significant saving on CPU time for many playback use cases.
Additionally, we now handle HTTP reconnection logic internally, offering more reliable behaviour than certain downloader -> ffmpeg process chains would provide.
Symphonia format support is significant, and you can enable and disable exactly the codecs and containers you need at compile-time.

Voice receive has been given its own fair share of improvements.
Most importantly, all receive sessions now make use of per-user jitter buffers – songbird will now delay decoding of all users to correctly reorder audio packets, smooth out network latency jitter, and to help synchronize playback of several speakers.
Receive functionality is now feature-gated and disabled by default, and so won't affect compile-time or runtime performance if you don't want to make use of it.

Finally, songbird now includes a new deadline-aware audio scheduler, which will pack as many concurrent Calls as possible onto a single thread.
Compared to the previous model we now reduce thread counts, CPU use, and context switching – for context, up to 660 live Opus-passthrough-enabled calls can run on a single thread on a Ryzen 5700X.
This is also helped by how we now park all Calls without any active Tracks onto a single shared event handling async task.

All in all, we're really excited to see what you build with these new tools and performance improvements.

Thanks to the following for their contributions:

Upgrade Pathway


  • ytdl etc. are removed and replaced with new lazy initialisers – read the docs on how to create sources from a URL or local path.
  • All inputs are now lazy by default, so Restartable is no longer needed.
  • Inputs can no longer directly output raw audio, as symphonia must always parse a container/codec pair. We've included a custom RawReader container format and the RawAdapter transform to support this.
  • Metadata is now split according to what you can learn when creating a source (AuxMetadata, e.g. info learned from a web scrape) and what metadata is encoded in a track itself (Metadata). Metadata can only be read once a track is fully initialised and parsed.
  • Songbird can now better encode an audio source's lifecycle from uninitialised, to readable, to having its headers fully parsed. Read the examples on how they can be manipulated, particularly if you want to make use of metadata.
  • Songbird's audio systems have undergone the most change in this release, so this list is non-exhaustive.


  • TrackHandle::action now gives temporary access to a View object – a set of current track state and extracted metadata – which can be used to fire more complex commands like seeking or pre-loading a Track by returning an Action.
  • TrackHandles are now created only from Driver::play/play_input and related methods.
  • tracks::create_player is removed in favour of the above methods on Driver.

Voice Receive:

  • Users of voice receive will now need to enable the "receive" feature.
  • CoreEvent::VoicePacket has now split into two events: RtpPacket and VoiceTick.
    RtpPacket corresponds to raw RTP packets received from each user and does not decode audio, while VoiceTick fires every 20ms and includes the reordered (and decoded, if so configured) audio for every user, synchronised and ready to use.
  • Per-user jitter buffer sizes can be configured using Config::playout_buffer_length and ::playout_spike_length.


  • [driver] Driver: Implement audio scheduler (#179) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:3daf11f]
  • [gateway] Gateway: Add Songbird::iter (#166) ([@fee1-dead]) [c:5bc8430]
  • [driver] Driver/receive: Implement audio reorder/jitter buffer (#156) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:c60c454]
  • [driver] Driver: Split receive into its own feature (#141) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:2277595]
  • [driver] Driver: Add toggle for softclip (#137) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:13946b4]
  • [driver] Support simd_json (#105) ([@vicky5124]) [c:cb0a74f]
  • [driver] Driver/Input: Migrate audio backend to Symphonia (#89) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:8cc7a22]


  • [clippy] Chore: Cleanup clippy lints ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:91640f6]
  • [deps] Chore: Upgrade serenity to 0.12.0-rc ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:1487da1]
  • [deps] Chore: Bump DiscoRTP version ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:0ef0e4f]
  • [clippy] Fix clippy pedantic warnings (#204) ([@GnomedDev]) [c:3d307aa]
  • [deps] Update simd-json to 0.13 (#203) ([@GnomedDev]) [c:63d48ee]
  • [deps] Chore: Update Rubato -> 0.14.1 ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:67b3b3e]
  • [deps] Chore: Update (most) dependencies ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:4220c1f]
  • [clippy] Chore: Rust 1.72.0 Clippy lints, adjust MSRV ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:6f80156]
  • [deps] Driver: Replace xsalsa20poly1305 with crypto_secretbox (#198) ([@Sebbl0508]) [c:77a9b46]
  • [ci] Chore(ci): Update rust, cargo and cache actions (#177) ([@jontze]) [c:5ddc8f4]
  • [ci] chore(docs): Update rust setup action and cache (#176) ([@jontze]) [c:4eadeb6]
  • [ci] chore(workflows): Update checkout action to v3 (#175) ([@jontze]) [c:841224e]
  • [driver] Driver: Retune threadpool keepalive time ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:9ab5be8]
  • [driver] Driver: Downgrade failed scheduler message delivery to info ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:02c9812]
  • [clippy] Chore: Clippy fixes to match new MSRV. ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:9fa063f]
  • [deps] Chore: Update dependencies, MSRV. ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:1bf17d1]
  • [deps] Chore: Update dependencies. ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:a5f7d3f]
  • [ci] Repo: Update issue templates ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:6cd3097]
  • [deps] Gateway: Twilight 0.15 support (#171) ([@Erk-]) [c:b2507f3]
  • [clippy] Chore: Fix clippy warnings (#167) ([@fee1-dead]) [c:6e6d8e7]
  • [ci] CI: Disable Windows, MacOS Testing ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:2de071f]
  • [input] Input: Clarify YoutubeDl error if command missing (#160) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:53ebc3c]
  • [deps] Deps: Move to published symphonia v0.5.2 from git ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:fdd0d83]
  • [gateway] Gateway: Simplify return value of join/join_gateway (#157) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:f2fbbfe]
  • [deps] Chore: Update tokio-tungstenite, typemap_rev ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:5d06a42]
  • [deps] Chore: Apply latest nightly clippy lints ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:125c803]
  • [driver] Driver: remove copy to receive &mut for softclip (#143) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:ab18f9e]
  • [deps] Deps: Move symphonia back to mainline repo. ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:b7e40ab]
  • [deps] Deps: Update dev-dependencies ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:f72175b]
  • [deps] Deps: Update Ringbuf, Serde-Aux, Simd-Json, Typemap ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:6a38fc8]
  • [clippy] Chore: Fix new(er) Clippy lints ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:662debd]
  • [deps] Deps: Update Twilight -> v0.14 ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:646190e]
  • [deps] Deps: Update twilight to 0.13 (#147) ([@Erk-]) [c:372156e]
  • [deps] Chore: Update xsalsa20poly1305 -> 0.9 ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:48db45f]
  • [deps] Chore: Rework crate features (#139) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:d8061d5]
  • [driver] Driver: Migrate to tokio_tungstenite (#138) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:76c9851]
  • [input] Input: lazy_static -> once_cell::sync::Lazy (#136) ([@GnomedDev]) [c:0beb0f0]


  • [gateway] Fix compiling with latest serenity (#199) ([@GnomedDev]) [c:509743f]
  • [driver] Driver: Correct buffer instantiation for Rubato ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:935171d]
  • [tests] Chore: Update test URL for playlist. ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:c55a313]
  • [driver] Driver: Don't trim recv_buffer on MacOS ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:019ac27]
  • [driver] Driver: Fix scheduler crash after task closure ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:77e3916]
  • [input] Input: Add HTTP Status Code Checks (#190) ([@maxall41]) [c:c976d50]
  • [driver] Fix: Move WS error handling (#174) ([@Erk-]) [c:500d679]
  • [gateway] Gateway: Fix serenity breaking changes (#173) ([@tazz4843]) [c:4d0c1c0]
  • [driver] fix(ws): Songbird would fail if it could not deserialize ws payload. (#170) ([@Erk-]) [c:c73f498]
  • [repo] Chore: Fix CI badge (#161) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:50dbc62]
  • [input] Input: Pass --no-playlist for YoutubeDl (#168) ([@fee1-dead]) [c:296f0e5]
  • [docs] Docs: Fix a link in constant docstring (#169) ([@fee1-dead]) [c:3f6114c]
  • [input] Input: Fix high CPU use when initialising long files over HTTP (#163) ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:50fa17f]
  • [deps] Docs: Correct version for symphonia codec support ([@FelixMcFelix]) [c:ed4be7c]
  • [driver] Avoid spawni...
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09 Apr 13:35
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This patch release fixes a WS disconnection that would occur when receiving a new opcode, which was happening due to Discord sending such an opcode upon connecting to a voice channel.

Thanks to the following for their contributions:



02 Mar 22:28
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This patch release applies some minor fixes, while correcting documentation errors and adjusting some organisation in the repository.

Thanks to the following for their contributions:

