Reddit Light is a full stack application bootstrapped with T3-Stack. Users can create new posts about any topic, leave comments on posts and upvote-downvote them.
To run the project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Navigate to the project directory and run npm install to install all dependencies.
- Create a .env file in the project directory and setup your environment variables based on .env.example
- Run npm start to start the development server.
- Node.js
- npm
- T3 Stack
- Next.js
- Prisma
- Tailwind CSS
- tRPC
- React Hook Form
- React Query
- DaisyUI
- Zod
- Dayjs
- Typescript
- Planetscale
- Clerk
- Upstash
- Authentication using Github account via Clerk
- Planetscale database to store posts, comments and votes
- Posts create, edit and delete posts you have posted
- Comments leave comments to posts other users created
- Vote upvote or downvote on posts other users created
- User Profile check posts you have posted, commented and voted on your profile page
- Serkan Isyapan - Developer
- React.js documentation
- Typescript
- tRPC
- Prisma
- Tanstack React Query
- Zod