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[#64] Refactor the markdown scanner
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Problem: Current implementation of the markdown scanner is hard
to extend, so we need to refactor it to add support for new annotations.

Solution: Refactor; isolate processing annotations for different
types of nodes.
  • Loading branch information
YuriRomanowski committed Dec 14, 2022
1 parent 9c6d97c commit e2ef5db
Showing 1 changed file with 151 additions and 89 deletions.
240 changes: 151 additions & 89 deletions src/Xrefcheck/Scanners/Markdown.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,14 +19,15 @@ module Xrefcheck.Scanners.Markdown

import Universum

import CMarkGFM
(Node (..), NodeType (..), PosInfo (..), commonmarkToNode, extAutolink, optFootnotes)
import CMarkGFM (NodeType (..), PosInfo (..), commonmarkToNode, extAutolink, optFootnotes)
import CMarkGFM qualified as C
import Control.Lens (_Just, makeLenses, makeLensesFor, (.=))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.CPS (Writer, runWriter, tell)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), genericParseJSON)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL
import Data.DList qualified as DList
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.List (span)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as LT
import Fmt (Buildable (..), nameF)
Expand All @@ -49,8 +50,8 @@ defGithubMdConfig = MarkdownConfig
{ mcFlavor = GitHub

instance Buildable Node where
build (Node _mpos ty mSubs) = nameF (show ty) $
instance Buildable C.Node where
build (C.Node _mpos ty mSubs) = nameF (show ty) $
maybe "[]" interpolateBlockListF (nonEmpty mSubs)

toPosition :: Maybe PosInfo -> Position
Expand All @@ -67,16 +68,16 @@ toPosition = Position . \case

-- | Extract text from the topmost node.
nodeExtractText :: Node -> Text
nodeExtractText :: (C.Node) -> Text
nodeExtractText = T.strip . mconcat . map extractText . nodeFlatten
extractText = \case
TEXT t -> t
CODE t -> t
_ -> ""

nodeFlatten :: Node -> [NodeType]
nodeFlatten (Node _pos ty subs) = ty : concatMap nodeFlatten subs
nodeFlatten :: (C.Node) -> [NodeType]
nodeFlatten (C.Node _pos ty subs) = ty : concatMap nodeFlatten subs

data IgnoreMode
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,81 +141,132 @@ initialScannerState = ScannerState
type ScannerM a = StateT ScannerState (Writer [ScanError]) a

-- | A fold over a `Node`.
cataNode :: (Maybe PosInfo -> NodeType -> [c] -> c) -> Node -> c
cataNode f (Node pos ty subs) = f pos ty (cataNode f <$> subs)
cataNode :: (Maybe PosInfo -> NodeType -> [c] -> c) -> C.Node -> c
cataNode f (C.Node pos ty subs) = f pos ty (cataNode f <$> subs)

-- | Sets correct @_ssParentNodeType@ before running scanner on each node
-- | Sets correct @_ssParentNodeType@ before running scanner on each node.
:: (Maybe PosInfo -> NodeType -> [ScannerM a] -> ScannerM a)
-> Node
-> C.Node
-> ScannerM a
cataNodeWithParentNodeInfo f node = cataNode f' node
f' pos ty childScanners = f pos ty $
map (ssParentNodeType .= Just ty >>) childScanners

-- | Find ignore annotations (ignore paragraph and ignore link)
-- and remove nodes that should be ignored
removeIgnored :: FilePath -> Node -> Writer [ScanError] Node
removeIgnored fp = withIgnoreMode . cataNodeWithParentNodeInfo remove
-- and remove nodes that should be ignored.
processAnnotations :: FilePath -> C.Node -> Writer [ScanError] C.Node
processAnnotations fp = withIgnoreMode . cataNodeWithParentNodeInfo process
:: Maybe PosInfo
-> NodeType
-> [ScannerM Node]
-> ScannerM Node
remove pos ty subs = do
let node = Node pos ty []
scan <- use ssIgnore >>= \e -> do
-> [ScannerM C.Node]
-> ScannerM C.Node
process pos ty subs = do
let node = C.Node pos ty []
use ssIgnore >>= \ign -> do
-- When no `Ignore` state is set check next node for annotation,
-- if found then set it as new `IgnoreMode` otherwise skip node.
let mbAnnotation = getAnnotation node
case mbAnnotation of
Just ann -> handleAnnotation pos ty ann
Nothing -> case e of
Nothing -> Node pos ty <$> sequence subs
Just (Ignore mode modePos) ->
case (mode, ty) of
-- We expect to find a paragraph immediately after the
-- `ignore paragraph` annotanion. If the paragraph is not
-- found we should report an error.
(IMSParagraph, PARAGRAPH) -> (ssIgnore .= Nothing) $> defNode
(IMSParagraph, x) -> do
lift . tell . makeError modePos fp . ParagraphErr $ prettyType x
ssIgnore .= Nothing
Node pos ty <$> sequence subs

(IMSLink _, LINK {}) -> do
ssIgnore .= Nothing
return defNode
(IMSLink _, IMAGE {}) -> do
ssIgnore .= Nothing
return defNode
(IMSLink ignoreLinkState, _) -> do
when (ignoreLinkState == ExpectingLinkInSubnodes) $
ssIgnore . _Just . ignoreMode .= IMSLink ParentExpectsLink
node' <- Node pos ty <$> sequence subs
when (ignoreLinkState == ExpectingLinkInSubnodes) $ do
currentIgnore <- use ssIgnore
case currentIgnore of
Just (Ignore {_ignoreMode = IMSLink ParentExpectsLink}) -> do
lift $ tell $ makeError modePos fp LinkErr
ssIgnore .= Nothing
_ -> pass
return node'

when (ty == PARAGRAPH) $ use ssIgnore >>= \case
Nothing -> do
case ty of
PARAGRAPH -> handleParagraph ign pos ty subs
LINK {} -> handleLink ign pos ty subs
IMAGE {} -> handleLink ign pos ty subs
_ -> handleOther ign pos ty subs

handleLink ::
Maybe Ignore ->
Maybe PosInfo ->
NodeType ->
[ScannerM C.Node] ->
ScannerM C.Node
handleLink ign pos ty subs = do
let traverseChildren = C.Node pos ty <$> sequence subs
-- It can be checked that it's correct for all the cases
ssIgnore .= Nothing

case ign of
Nothing -> traverseChildren
Just (Ignore IMSParagraph modePos) -> do
reportExpectedParagraphAfterIgnoreAnnotation modePos ty
Just (Ignore (IMSLink _) _) -> do
pure defNode

handleParagraph ::
Maybe Ignore ->
Maybe PosInfo ->
NodeType ->
[ScannerM C.Node] ->
ScannerM C.Node
handleParagraph ign pos ty subs = do
let traverseChildren = C.Node pos ty <$> sequence subs
node <- case ign of
Nothing -> traverseChildren
Just (Ignore IMSParagraph _) -> do
ssIgnore .= Nothing
pure defNode
Just (Ignore (IMSLink ignoreLinkState) modePos) ->
traverseNodeWithLinkExpected ignoreLinkState modePos pos ty subs

use ssIgnore >>= \case
Just (Ignore (IMSLink ExpectingLinkInParagraph) pragmaPos) ->
lift $ tell $ makeError pragmaPos fp LinkErr
_ -> pass

return scan
pure node

handleOther ::
Maybe Ignore ->
Maybe PosInfo ->
NodeType ->
[ScannerM C.Node] ->
ScannerM C.Node
handleOther ign pos ty subs = do
let traverseChildren = C.Node pos ty <$> sequence subs

case ign of
Nothing -> traverseChildren
Just (Ignore IMSParagraph modePos) -> do
reportExpectedParagraphAfterIgnoreAnnotation modePos ty
ssIgnore .= Nothing
Just (Ignore (IMSLink ignoreLinkState) modePos) -> do
traverseNodeWithLinkExpected ignoreLinkState modePos pos ty subs

reportExpectedParagraphAfterIgnoreAnnotation :: Maybe PosInfo -> NodeType -> ScannerM ()
reportExpectedParagraphAfterIgnoreAnnotation modePos ty =
lift . tell . makeError modePos fp . ParagraphErr $ prettyType ty

traverseNodeWithLinkExpected ::
IgnoreLinkState ->
Maybe PosInfo ->
Maybe PosInfo ->
NodeType ->
[ScannerM C.Node] ->
ScannerM C.Node
traverseNodeWithLinkExpected ignoreLinkState modePos pos ty subs = do
when (ignoreLinkState == ExpectingLinkInSubnodes) $
ssIgnore . _Just . ignoreMode .= IMSLink ParentExpectsLink
node' <- C.Node pos ty <$> sequence subs
when (ignoreLinkState == ExpectingLinkInSubnodes) $ do
currentIgnore <- use ssIgnore
case currentIgnore of
Just (Ignore {_ignoreMode = IMSLink ParentExpectsLink}) -> do
lift $ tell $ makeError modePos fp LinkErr
ssIgnore .= Nothing
_ -> pass
return node'

:: Maybe PosInfo
-> NodeType
-> GetAnnotation
-> ScannerM Node
-> ScannerM C.Node
handleAnnotation pos nodeType = \case
IgnoreAnnotation mode -> do
let reportIfThereWasAnnotation :: ScannerM ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,16 +304,16 @@ removeIgnored fp = withIgnoreMode . cataNodeWithParentNodeInfo remove
lift . tell $ makeError correctPos fp $ UnrecognisedErr msg
pure defNode
correctPos = getPosition $ Node pos nodeType []
correctPos = getPosition $ C.Node pos nodeType []

prettyType :: NodeType -> Text
prettyType ty =
let mType = safeHead $ words $ show ty
in fromMaybe "" mType

:: ScannerM Node
-> Writer [ScanError] Node
:: ScannerM C.Node
-> Writer [ScanError] C.Node
withIgnoreMode action = action `runStateT` initialScannerState >>= \case
-- We expect `Ignore` state to be `Nothing` when we reach EOF,
-- otherwise that means there was an annotation that didn't match
Expand All @@ -276,8 +328,8 @@ removeIgnored fp = withIgnoreMode . cataNodeWithParentNodeInfo remove
(node, _) -> pure node

-- | Custom `foldMap` for source tree.
foldNode :: (Monoid a, Monad m) => (Node -> m a) -> Node -> m a
foldNode action node@(Node _ _ subs) = do
foldNode :: (Monoid a, Monad m) => (C.Node -> m a) -> C.Node -> m a
foldNode action node@(C.Node _ _ subs) = do
a <- action node
b <- concatForM subs (foldNode action)
return (a <> b)
Expand All @@ -287,16 +339,19 @@ type ExtractorM a = ReaderT MarkdownConfig (Writer [ScanError]) a
-- | Extract information from source tree.
:: FilePath
-> Node
-> C.Node
-> ExtractorM FileInfo
nodeExtractInfo fp input@(Node _ _ nSubs) = do
if checkIgnoreAllFile nSubs
nodeExtractInfo fp (C.Node nPos nTy nSubs) = do
let (ignoreFile, contentNodes) = checkGlobalAnnotations nSubs
if ignoreFile
then return def
else diffToFileInfo <$> (foldNode extractor =<< lift (removeIgnored fp input))
else diffToFileInfo <$>
(lift (processAnnotations fp $ C.Node nPos nTy contentNodes)
>>= foldNode extractor)

extractor :: Node -> ExtractorM FileInfoDiff
extractor node@(Node pos ty _) =
extractor :: C.Node -> ExtractorM FileInfoDiff
extractor node@(C.Node pos ty _) =
case ty of
HTML_BLOCK _ -> do
return mempty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,24 +404,31 @@ nodeExtractInfo fp input@(Node _ _ nSubs) = do
(DList.singleton $ Reference {rName, rPos, rLink, rAnchor})

-- | Check if there is `ignore all` at the beginning of the file,
-- ignoring preceding comments if there are any.
checkIgnoreAllFile :: [Node] -> Bool
checkIgnoreAllFile nodes =
let isSimpleComment :: Node -> Bool
isSimpleComment node = isComment node && not (isIgnoreFile node)

mIgnoreFile = safeHead $ dropWhile isSimpleComment nodes
in maybe False isIgnoreFile mIgnoreFile
-- | Check for global annotations, ignoring simple comments if there are any.
checkGlobalAnnotations :: [C.Node] -> (Bool, [C.Node])
checkGlobalAnnotations nodes = do
let (headerNodes, contentsNodes) = span isHeaderNode nodes
ignoreFile = any isIgnoreFile headerNodes
(ignoreFile, contentsNodes)
isComment :: Node -> Bool
isComment = isJust . getCommentContent
isSimpleComment :: C.Node -> Bool
isSimpleComment node = do
let isComment = isJust $ getCommentContent node
isNotXrefcheckAnnotation = isNothing $ getXrefcheckContent node
isComment && isNotXrefcheckAnnotation

isIgnoreFile :: Node -> Bool
isIgnoreFile :: C.Node -> Bool
isIgnoreFile = (Just (IgnoreAnnotation IMAll) ==) . getAnnotation

defNode :: Node
defNode = Node Nothing DOCUMENT [] -- hard-coded default Node
isHeaderNode :: C.Node -> Bool
isHeaderNode node =
any ($ node)
[ isSimpleComment
, isIgnoreFile

defNode :: C.Node
defNode = C.Node Nothing DOCUMENT [] -- hard-coded default Node

:: Maybe PosInfo
Expand All @@ -375,17 +437,17 @@ makeError
-> [ScanError]
makeError pos fp errDescription = one $ ScanError (toPosition pos) fp errDescription

getCommentContent :: Node -> Maybe Text
getCommentContent :: C.Node -> Maybe Text
getCommentContent node = do
txt <- getHTMLText node
T.stripSuffix "-->" =<< T.stripPrefix "<!--" (T.strip txt)

getHTMLText :: Node -> Maybe Text
getHTMLText (Node _ (HTML_BLOCK txt) _) = Just txt
getHTMLText (Node _ (HTML_INLINE txt) _) = Just txt
getHTMLText :: C.Node -> Maybe Text
getHTMLText (C.Node _ (HTML_BLOCK txt) _) = Just txt
getHTMLText (C.Node _ (HTML_INLINE txt) _) = Just txt
getHTMLText _ = Nothing

getXrefcheckContent :: Node -> Maybe Text
getXrefcheckContent :: C.Node -> Maybe Text
getXrefcheckContent node =
let notStripped = T.stripPrefix "xrefcheck:" . T.strip =<<
getCommentContent node
Expand All @@ -397,14 +459,14 @@ getXrefcheckContent node =
-- As our annotations are always oneliners, we can fix this by simply setting
-- end line equals to start line and calculating end column from start column
-- and annotation length.
getPosition :: Node -> Maybe PosInfo
getPosition node@(Node pos _ _) = do
getPosition :: C.Node -> Maybe PosInfo
getPosition node@(C.Node pos _ _) = do
annLength <- length . T.strip <$> getHTMLText node
PosInfo sl sc _ _ <- pos
pure $ PosInfo sl sc sl (sc + annLength - 1)

-- | Extract `IgnoreMode` if current node is xrefcheck annotation.
getAnnotation :: Node -> Maybe GetAnnotation
getAnnotation :: C.Node -> Maybe GetAnnotation
getAnnotation node = getXrefcheckContent node <&> textToMode

textToMode :: Text -> GetAnnotation
Expand Down

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