Hi I'm Stefan. I am based in Germany, working as Head of Energy Management Systems at FENECON GmbH and I am Chairman at the OpenEMS Association e.V.
As 'employee of the first hour' I am working for FENECON since 2012. My focus is on the development of FENECON Energy Management System ("FEMS"), which is used with standard products and in projects to manage energy storage sytems and complementary devices and services.
As an officer in German Air Force I quickly had the chance to take over leadership responsibilities. I laid the expertise foundation in an apprenticeship as IT specialist, bachelor studies of Business Informatics and a master studies in Embedded Systems.
My passion is "Free and open-source software" (FOSS) and renewable energy. Formative for this was the early contact to photovoltaics in the parental farm and company as well as the international experience in India (6 months) and Romania (2 years).
With the development of FEMS I turned my hobby into a career; with the release as open source software I lived out my passion. With the foundation of the OpenEMS Association the next step in this exciting story was taken.