- Fork this repository before continuing.
- Install node/npm on your machine if you haven't already; we use
to manage tools npm install
the required packages for the reponpx playwright install
the required Playwright components for testing- Test scripts can be found in package.json. Feel free to modify these if you need to.
- The only requirement is that you complete the test cases listed below using Playwright. Design patterns and folder structure are up to you.
- Commit frequently so we can see your approach to solving this code challenge.
- When you're done, create a pull request within your forked repository, and share the link to the PR with your contact.
The app you’ll be testing is the example React todomvc app located here
As a user of the React todomvc app, I want to be able to add, delete and mark todo items as complete
Given I am a user of todomvc
When I create a new todo item
Then it appears last on my todo list
Given I have created a todo item
When I edit a todo item
Then the todo item gets updated with the new changes
Given I have created a todo item
When I delete a todo item using the red X
Then the todo item is removed from my todo list
Given I have created a todo item
When I mark a todo item as completed
Then it is marked with a green check mark
And it is crossed off my todo list with a Strikethrough
Given I have marked a todo item as complete
When I view the Active list
Then only Active (Not Completed) todo items are shown
Given I have marked a todo item as complete
When I click “Clear Completed”
Then the completed todo item is removed from my todo list
And the todo item is moved to the Completed list