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A board game based on an ongoing event: Beijing government is evicting tons of thousands immigrant workers within one week.

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Folding-Beijing: A Board Game

18th Nov 2017, 19 people lived in an industrial neighborhood in south Beijing was killed in a fire accident. The migrants workers eviction were accelerated by this event. Beijing government launched an action called "Inspection, eviction and regulation" in the name of improving fire protection.

By 26th Nov 2017, city regulators need to evict tons of thousands what they called "Low quality population", the residents who live here, need to do whatever they can, to protect themselves from being evicting. Stay or leave? This is a war without winner.

(For more, you can look up this article [The Gurdian: China: 'ruthless' campaign to evict Beijing's migrant workers condemned]

All cards and chips

Player: 2

Object: To evicate more population or to hide more population. When 2 player spend up all their chips, the one who own more population is win. If the population is even, the residents win.

Game Contents:

1.Players Card: "Beijing Governor" and "Low Quality Population"

2.Chips: 15 chips each, 30 in total. chips are used to determined the ownership of the land

3.Facilities Cards: power station X 3, house X 6. Electricity generated by power station is essential to keep the residents stay, on the other hand, governors try to cut the electricity to force the residents to leave. Power station can provide electricity to the adjacent houses, when destroyed, some houses might also be destroyed lacking of the electricity.

4.Population Card: 300 thousands X1; 200 thousands X2; 100 thousands X3; media X1; empty X2 _when media card is exposed, the player with more chips will lose 1/3 of the chips

Game Play:

1.2 players drew lots to decide who is "Beijing Governor", who is "Low Quality Population". Each players get 15 chips;

2."Low Quality Population" start the game by firstly hiding the residents into 9 districts. Do it strategically to avoid being evicted. Player put all 9 population cards into a 3X3 gird, as the example show below. Think of the best arrangement and remember it in mind. Beijing Governor should close eyes at this stage

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3."Low Quality Population" put the landscape cards on top of the population card. Notice: every house should be adjacent(up, down, left, right) to at least one power station to ensure electricity supply. Think of how to confuse the other player. Beijing Governor should close eyes at this stage

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4."Low Quality Population"can choose to put some chips(from his 15 chips) on the facilities that he want to protect. (or to confuse governor). Or do nothing.

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5."Beijing Governor" open eyes, Eviction starts; 6."Beijing Governor" put the chips onto the top of the facility he want to destroy. If the "Low Quality Population" don't want the facility be taken, he has to put more chips. Both side can add more until one side quit. If governor's chips is less than residents', the land is protect. If more, the facility is destroyed, the population under is exposed, and taken away by governor. All the chips on top of the facility is gone, and can not be reuse. Note 1: When the power station be destroyed, look at the adjacent facility, if it is house without other power supplement, it will be destroyed and the underneath population will be evicted as well. Note 2: If the media card is exposed, the player with more chips will lose 1/3 of the chips

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governor's chips is more than residents',the facility is destroyed

the house without power supplement will be destroyed and the underneath population will be evicted as well

this land is cleared as well

7.Beijing Governor starts new eviction by putting chips on undamaged facilities, until using up his chip. The one who owns more population wins. If the two players has the same population, the residents win.



  1. "Low Quality Population"need to remember the cards arrangement before eviction, can not look up the underneath card during play;
  2. "Low Quality Population" can not put chips on undamaged facility once the eviction start.

2017年11月18日,北京大兴县新建村聚福缘公寓起火,19人不幸丧生;火灾加速了城市管理者对外来人口的清理速度,以新建村为起点,北京全市展开了以消防安全为重点的安全隐患“大排查、大清理、大整治”行动。 城市管理者需要在2017年11月26日前,全面清走这些“低端人口”;而住在这里的居民,需要保住自己在这个陌生城市中,临时逼仄的家。 留下还是被驱逐?这是一场没有胜者的战役。

##游戏人数:2人 ##胜利条件: 在两方筹码都用完的情况下,统计双方拥有的当前人口数,多的一方为胜,持平的情况下居民胜利。 ##游戏道具:

  • 角色卡:城市管理者和居民
  • 筹码:双方各15个,一共30个。 用于决定某块土地的最终归属的重要道具
  • 地形卡牌:电站X3, 普通房屋X6 电站卡:可以为周围土地提供电力供应,当被摧毁时,与其十字相连且被切断供电的房子也将被摧毁。注:也可以被防守方作为吸引火力的手段 房子卡:地形道具,无特殊功能
  • 人口卡牌:30万人X1, 20万人X2,[媒体X1][无人X2] 人口卡:胜利条件的判断依据 媒体卡:当被揭开时,拥有较多筹码方将损失当前拥有筹码的三分之一


  1. 2人进入游戏,通过抽取角色牌决定谁是城市管理者(攻击方),谁是低端人口(防守方)。每人得到15个筹码。
  2. 低端人口需要把100万人口藏在9片地区内,最大可能躲避城市管理者的驱逐。在游戏开始之前需要先布局人口卡,先将6张居民人数不等的卡牌,1张媒体牌和2张无人牌放置成一个九宫格,如图所示。摆放时需思考如何最大程度保护居民。这个过程城市管理者不得观看
  3. 低端人口将地形卡覆盖在九宫格上方,盖住下方卡片的标识,需要注意的是,每一张底层卡牌都需要有电力供应(每一张牌的上下左右需至少有一个电站卡)摆放时需思考如何最大程度迷惑对手,保护居民。这个过程城市管理者不得观看
  4. 防守方完成上一步步骤后,可以将手中的筹码放置n(0<=n<=15)个到任意区域,即每块区域可以放置n个,当前九个区域筹码总数不能超过15个全部摆放完毕后,城市管理者可以睁眼观看
  5. 城市管理者开始实施驱逐。观察地形后,先选择一块区域进行攻击。攻击方法是:在选取区域上,放置n个筹码,低端人口想要防守,必须放置更多的筹码。直到低端人口放弃抵抗,地形卡被揭开,人口卡归城市管理者所有(如果揭开媒体卡,拥有较多筹码方将损失当前拥有筹码的三分之一)。如果城市管理者攻占了电站,则因为而没有电的地区将一并被遣散。(如果周边的居民区连接了其他电站,则不会被遣散)
  6. 每一轮驱散结束后,城市管理者开始在一轮驱散,直到筹码用完。
  7. 城市管理者筹码用光后,双方盘点人口。拥有更多人口的一方胜出。

注意事项: 1, 低端人口在布局完以后需要记住所有卡牌位置,不得半途掀开; 2, 低端人口不得主动防守(往地区上放筹码),每一轮攻击均应由城市管理者发起


A board game based on an ongoing event: Beijing government is evicting tons of thousands immigrant workers within one week.






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