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A pure client side Bitbucket Pipe containing a collection of open source tools to perform various types of additional analysis on a CycloneDX or SPDX sBOM (Software Bill of Materials).


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ShiftSBOM-Utils is a pure client-side Bitbucket Pipe containing a collection of open source tools to perform various types of additionl analysis on a CycloneDX or SPDX sBOM (Software Bill of Materials). No subscriptions, server access, or API keys are required.

The official copy this project is hosted on Bitbucket. In order to reach a diverse audience a copy of the repo also exists in GitHub. Pull Requests should be submitted to the to the Bitbucket reposiotry and changes will be kept in sync.

Existing toolset and roadmap

The following tooling/functionally is currently available in this pipe

Current Tools

Tool/Feature Description From Version
devops-kung-fu/bomber Scans Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) for security vulnerabilities 1.0.0
interlynk-io/sbomqs SBOM quality score - Quality metrics for your sboms 1.1.1
osv-scanner Vulnerability scanner which uses the data provided by the 1.2.0
grype A vulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems 1.4.0
OWASP Dependency Track Consumes and analyzes CycloneDX BOMs at high-velocity 1.5.0

Future Tools & Featurs

To requrst other tooling/features or to vote to have a specific tool/feature integreted next, open an issue

YAML Definition

The following is an example of a Bitbucket Pipeline which performs the following:

  1. Installes dependencies for a npm project
  2. Produces a sBOM via cyclonedx-npm-pipe or cyclonedx-bitbucket-pipe
  3. Uses sbom-utilities-pipe to furter process the sBOM

In the following example the sbom-utilities-pipe scans the sBOM for vulnerabilities using devops-kung-fu/bomber then scans the sbom to generate a quality score using interlynk-io/sbomqs. The following code snip would need to be added to the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file

    - step:
        name: Build and Test
          - node
          - npm install
          - npm test
    - step:
        name: Gen CycloneDX sBom
          - node
          # the build directory is owned by root but the pipe runs as the bitbucket-user
          # change the permission to allow the pipe to write to the build directory
          - chmod 777 build
          - pipe: docker://ccideas/cyclonedx-npm-pipe:1.5.0
              IGNORE_NPM_ERRORS: 'true' # optional
              NPM_SHORT_PURLS: 'true' # optional
              NPM_OUTPUT_FORMAT: 'json' # optional
              NPM_PACKAGE_LOCK_ONLY: 'false' # optional
              OUTPUT_DIRECTORY: 'build' # optional # this dir should be archived by the pipeline
          - build/*
  - step:
      name: Process sBOM
        # the build directory is owned by root but the pipe runs as the bitbucket-user
        # change the permission to allow the pipe to write to the build directory
        - chmod 777 build
        - pipe: docker://ccideas/sbom-utilities-pipe:1.7.0
            PATH_TO_SBOM: "build/${BITBUCKET_REPO_SLUG}.json"
            OUTPUT_DIRECTORY: 'build'
            # bomber config
            SCAN_SBOM_WITH_BOMBER: 'true'
            BOMBER_OUTPUT_FORMAT: 'html'
            BOMBER_DEBUG: 'true'
            # sbomqs config
            SCAN_SBOM_WITH_SBOMQS: 'true'
            SBOMQS_OUTPUT_FORMAT: 'json'
            # osv config
            SCAN_SBOM_WITH_OSV: 'true'
            OSV_OUTPUT_FORMAT: 'json'
            # grype config
            SCAN_SBOM_WITH_GRYPE: 'true'
            GRYPE_ARGS: '--output table --add-cpes-if-none'
            GRYPE_OUTPUT_FILENAME: 'grype-scan-results.txt'
            # OWASP Dependency Track
            SEND_SBOM_TO_DTRACK: 'true'
            DTRACK_URL: '<<DTRACK URL: ie - http://url:port>>'
            DTRACK_API_KEY: '<<DTRACK API KEY>>'
          - build/*


Variable Usage Options Default Required
PATH_TO_SBOM Used to specify the name of the sbom file to further process true
OUTPUT_DIRECTORY Used to specify the directory to place all output in build false
SCAN_SBOM_WITH_BOMBER Used to scan the sBOM for vulnerabilities using bomber true, false false false
BOMBER_DEBUG Used to enable debug mode during bomber scan true, false false false
BOMBER_IGNORE_FILE Used to tell bomber what CVEs to ignore none false
BOMBER_PROVIDER Used to specify what vulnerability provider bomber will use osv, ossindex osv false
BOMBER_PROVIDER_TOKEN Used to specify an API token for the selected provider none false
BOMBER_PROVIDER_USERNAME Used to specify an username for the selected provider none false
BOMBER_OUTPUT_FORMAT Used to specify the output format of the bomber scan json, html, stdout stdout false
SCAN_SBOM_WITH_SBOMQS Used to scan the sBOM in order to generate a quality quality score true, false false false
SBOMQS_OUTPUT_FORMAT Used to specify the output format of the sbomqs scan detailed, json detailed false
SCAN_SBOM_WITH_OSV Used to scan the sBOM for vulberabilities using osv scanner true, false false false
OSV_ARGS cmd args to use when running osv-scanner see osv-scanner scan --help for full list false
OSV_OUTPUT_FILENAME Used to specify the filename to store the osv scan output auto-generated false
SCAN_SBOM_WITH_GRYPE Used to scan the sBOM for vulberabilities using the grype scanner true, false false false
GRYPE_ARGS cmd args to use when running grype see grype --help for full list false
GRYPE_OUTPUT_FILENAME the file to write grype ouput to auto-generated false
SEND_SBOM_TO_DTRACK Used to send the sbom to a downstream dependency track server true, false false false
DTRACK_URL The URL includeing http/https and the port number of the DTrack API is running on none true
DTRACK_PROJECT_ID The project id to send the sbom to in dependency track none true
DTRACK_API_KEY The team API key with BOM_UPLOAD permissions none

Support for OWASP Dependency Track

As of release 1.5.0 the sbom-utilities-pipe allows you to simpily send your CycloneDX sBOM to a OWASP Dependency track server for further analysis. The sbom-utilities-pipe uses dependency tracks /v1/bom PUT API for the request. To use this feature it is recommended you configure the following variables as secured repository variables in your Bitbucket project configuration.


Then configure your bitbucket-pipelines.yml with the following

- step:
      name: Process sBOM
        # the build directory is owned by root but the pipe runs as the bitbucket-user
        # change the permission to allow the pipe to write to the build directory
        - chmod 777 build
        - pipe: docker://ccideas/sbom-utilities-pipe:1.5.0
            SEND_SBOM_TO_DTRACK: 'true'
            DTRACK_URL: ${DTRACK_URL}

Once the API call is successful the response ID will be logged as such

Response Body: {"token":"9ad9d8f9-273f-4d99-ae16-8fc89c21cd4d"}

Need an sBOM

This project contains some sample sBOMs which can be found in the examples/sboms directory. To produce a sBOM for a given project you can use any of the following Bitbucket Pipes

Live Example

A working pipeline for the popular auditjs tool has been created as an example. The pipeline in this fork of the auditjs tool will install the required dependencies then generate a CycloneDX sBOM containing all the ingredients which make up the product then the sBOM will be further processed by the sbom-utilities-pipe


If you'd like help with this pipe, or you have an issue, or a feature request, let us know.

If you are reporting an issue, please include:

the version of the pipe relevant logs and error messages steps to reproduce


This Bitbucket pipe is a collection and integration of the following open source tools

A big thank-you to the teams and volunteers who make these amazing tools available