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A minimal docker baseimage to ease creation of long-lived application containers

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A minimal docker baseimage to ease creation of long-lived application containers

Docker Automated build Build Status

This is a docker baseimage that can be used to create containers for any long-lived application.

Table of Content


Different docker images are available:

Base distribution Tag Size
Alpine 3.5 alpine-3.5
Alpine 3.6 alpine-3.6
Alpine 3.7 alpine-3.7
Alpine 3.8 alpine-3.8
Alpine 3.9 alpine-3.9
Alpine 3.10 alpine-3.10
Alpine 3.11 alpine-3.11
Alpine 3.12 alpine-3.12
Alpine 3.5 alpine-3.5-glibc
Alpine 3.6 alpine-3.6-glibc
Alpine 3.7 alpine-3.7-glibc
Alpine 3.8 alpine-3.8-glibc
Alpine 3.9 alpine-3.9-glibc
Alpine 3.10 alpine-3.10-glibc
Alpine 3.11 alpine-3.11-glibc
Alpine 3.12 alpine-3.12-glibc
Debian 8 debian-8
Debian 9 debian-9
Debian 10 debian-10
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS ubuntu-16.04
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ubuntu-18.04

Due to its size, the Alpine image is recommended. However, it may be harder to integrate your application (especially third party ones without source code), because:

  1. Packages repository may not be as complete as Ubuntu/Debian.
  2. Third party applications may not support Alpine.
  3. The Alpine distribution uses the musl C standard library instead of GNU C library (glibc).

Note that using the Alpine image with glibc integrated (alpine-3.5-glibc tag) may ease integration of applications.

The next choice is to use the Debian image. It provides a great compatibility and its size is smaller than the Ubuntu one. Finally, if for any reason you prefer an Ubuntu image, one based on the stable 16.04 LTS version is provided.


Here are the main components of the baseimage:

  • S6-overlay, a process supervisor for containers.
  • Useful tools to ease container building.
  • Environment to better support dockerized applications.


Images are versioned. Version number is in the form MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, where an increment of the:

  • MAJOR version indicates that a backwards-incompatible change has been done.
  • MINOR version indicates that functionality has been added in a backwards-compatible manner.
  • PATCH version indicates that a bug fix has been done in a backwards-compatible manner.


For each distribution-specific image, multiple tags are available:

Tag Description
distro-vX.Y.Z Exact version of the image.
distro-vX.Y Latest version of a specific minor version of the image.
distro-vX Latest version of a specific major version of the image.
distro Latest version of the image.

Getting started

The Dockerfile for your application can be very simple, as only three things are required:

  • Instructions to install the application.
  • A script that starts the application (stored at / in container).
  • The name of the application.

Here is an example of a docker file that would be used to run a simple web NodeJS server.

In Dockerfile:

# Pull base image.
FROM jlesage/baseimage:alpine-3.6

# Install http-server.
RUN add-pkg nodejs-npm && \
    npm install http-server -g

# Copy the start script.

# Set the name of the application.
ENV APP_NAME="http-server"

# Expose ports.


exec /usr/bin/http-server

Then, build your docker image:

docker build -t docker-http-server .

And run it:

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 docker-http-server

You should be able to access the HTTP server by opening in a web browser:

http://[HOST IP ADDR]:8080

Environment Variables

Some environment variables can be set to customize the behavior of the container and its application. The following list give more details about them.

Environment variables can be set directly in your Dockerfile via the ENV instruction or dynamically by adding one or more arguments -e "<VAR>=<VALUE>" to the docker run command.

Variable Description Default
APP_NAME Name of the application. DockerApp
USER_ID ID of the user the application runs as. See User/Group IDs to better understand when this should be set. 1000
GROUP_ID ID of the group the application runs as. See User/Group IDs to better understand when this should be set. 1000
SUP_GROUP_IDS Comma-separated list of supplementary group IDs of the application. (unset)
UMASK Mask that controls how file permissions are set for newly created files. The value of the mask is in octal notation. By default, this variable is not set and the default umask of 022 is used, meaning that newly created files are readable by everyone, but only writable by the owner. See the following online umask calculator: (unset)
TZ TimeZone of the container. Timezone can also be set by mapping /etc/localtime between the host and the container. Etc/UTC
KEEP_APP_RUNNING When set to 1, the application will be automatically restarted if it crashes or if a user quits it. 0
APP_NICENESS Priority at which the application should run. A niceness value of -20 is the highest priority and 19 is the lowest priority. By default, niceness is not set, meaning that the default niceness of 0 is used. NOTE: A negative niceness (priority increase) requires additional permissions. In this case, the container should be run with the docker option --cap-add=SYS_NICE. (unset)
TAKE_CONFIG_OWNERSHIP When set to 1, owner and group of /config (including all its files and subfolders) are automatically set during container startup to USER_ID and GROUP_ID respectively. 1
CLEAN_TMP_DIR When set to 1, all files in the /tmp directory are deleted during the container startup. 1

Config Directory

Inside the container, the application's configuration should be stored in the /config directory.

NOTE: By default, during the container startup, the user which runs the application (i.e. user defined by USER_ID) will claim ownership of the entire content of this directory. This behavior can be changed via the TAKE_CONFIG_OWNERSHIP environment variable. See the Environment Variables section for more details.

User/Group IDs

When using data volumes (-v flags), permissions issues can occur between the host and the container. For example, the user within the container may not exists on the host. This could prevent the host from properly accessing files and folders on the shared volume.

To avoid any problem, you can specify the user the application should run as.

This is done by passing the user ID and group ID to the container via the USER_ID and GROUP_ID environment variables.

To find the right IDs to use, issue the following command on the host, with the user owning the data volume on the host:

id <username>

Which gives an output like this one:

uid=1000(myuser) gid=1000(myuser) groups=1000(myuser),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),46(plugdev),113(lpadmin)

The value of uid (user ID) and gid (group ID) are the ones that you should be given the container.


The default locale of the container is set to POSIX. If this cause issues with your application, the proper locale can be set via your Dockerfile, by adding these two lines:

RUN locale-gen en_CA.UTF-8

NOTE: Locales are not supported by musl C standard library on Alpine. See:

Building A Container

This section provides useful tips for building containers based on this baseimage.

Selecting Baseimage Tag

Properly select the baseimage tag to use. For a better control and prevent breaking your container, use a tag for an exact version of the baseimage (e.g. alpine-3.6-v2.0.0). Using the latest version of the baseimage (alpine-3.6) is not recommended, since automatic upgrades between major versions will probably break your container build/execution.

Referencing Linux User/Group

Reference the Linux user/group under which the application is running by its ID (USER_ID/GROUP_ID) instead of its name. Name could change in different baseimage versions while the ID won't.

Default Configuration Files

Default configuration files should be stored in /defaults in the container.

Adding/Removing Packages

To add or remove packages, use the helpers add-pkg and del-pkg provided by this baseimage. To minimze the size of the container, these tools perform proper cleanup and make sure that no useless files are left after an addition or removal of packages.

Also, when packages need to be added temporarily, use the --virtual NAME parameter. This allows installing missing packages and then remove them easily using the provided NAME (no need to repeat given packages). Note that if a specified package is already installed, it will be ignored and will not be removed automatically.

Here is an example of a command that could be added to Dockerfile to compile a project:

    add-pkg --virtual build-dependencies build-base cmake git && \
    # Compile your project here...
    git clone
    ... && \
    del-pkg build-dependencies

Supposing that, in the example above, the git package is already installed when the call to add-pk is performed, running del-pkg build-dependencies doesn't remove it.

Modifying Files With Sed

sed is a useful tool and is often used in container builds to modify files. However, one downside of this method is that there is no easy way to determine if sed actually modified the file or not.

It's for this reason that the baseimage includes a helper that gives sed a "patch-like" behavior: if the application of a sed expression results in no change on the target file, then an error is reported. This helper is named sed-patch and has the following usage:


Note that the sed option -i (edit files in place) is already supplied by the helper.

It can be used in Dockerfile, for example, like this:

RUN sed-patch 's/Replace this/By this/' /etc/myfile

If running this sed expression doesn't bring any change to /etc/myfiles, the command fails and thus, the Docker build also.

Modifying Baseimage Content

Try to minimize modifications to files provided by the baseimage. This minimizes to risk of breaking your container after using a new baseimage version.

Application's Data

Applications often needs to write configuration, data, logs, etc. Always make sure they are all written under /config. This directory is a volume intended to be mapped to a folder on the host. The goal is to write stuff outside the container and keep these data persistent.

A lot of applications use the environment variables defined in the XDG Base Directory Specification to determine where to store various data. The baseimage sets these variables so they all fall under /config/:

  • XDG_DATA_HOME=/config/xdg/data
  • XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/config/xdg/config
  • XDG_CACHE_HOME=/config/xdg/cache

$HOME Environment Variable

The application is run under a user having its own UID. This user can't be used to login with, has no password, no valid login shell and no home directory. It is effectively a kind of user used by daemons.

Thus, by default, the $HOME environment variable is not set. While this should be fine in most case, some applications may expect the $HOME environment variable to be set (since normally the application is run by a logged user) and may not behave correctly otherwise.

To make the application happy, the home directory can be set at the beginning of the script:

export HOME=/config

Adjust the location of the home directory to fit your needs. However, if the application uses the home directory to write stuff, make sure it is done in a volume mapped to the host (e.g. /config),

Note that the same technique can be used by services, by exporting the home directory into their run script.

Service Dependencies

When running multiple services, service srvB may need to start only after service SrvA.

Service dependencies are defined by creating a regular file in the service's directory, its name being the name of the dependent service with the .dep extension. For example, touching the file:


indicates that service srvB depends on service srvA.

Service Readiness

By default, a service is considered ready when the supervisor successfully forked and executed the daemon. However, some daemons do a lot of initialization work before they're actually ready to serve.

Hopefully, the S6 supervisor supports service startup notifications. This is a simple mechanism allowing daemons to notify the supervisor when they are ready to serve.

While support for this mechanism can be implemented natively in the daemon, the use of the s6-notifyoncheck program makes it possible for services to use the S6 notification mechanism with any daemon.

Log Monitor

This baseimage include a simple log monitor. This monitor allows sending notification(s) when a particular message is detected in a log file.

This system has two main component: notification definitions and notifications backends (targets). Definitions describe properties of a notification (title, message, severity, etc) and how it is triggered (i.e. filtering function). Once a matching string is found in a log file, a notification is triggered and sent via one or more backends. A backend can implement any functionality. For example, it could send the notification to the standard output, a file or an online service.

Monitored Files

File(s) to be monitored can be set in the configuration file located at /etc/logmonitor/logmonitor.conf. There are two settings to look at:

  • LOG_FILES: List of absolute paths to log files to be monitored. A log file is a file having new content appended to it.
  • STATUS_FILES: List of absolute paths to status files to be monitored. A status file doesn't have new content appended. Instead, its whole content is refreshed/overwritten periodically.

Notification Definition

The definition of a notification consists in multiple files, stored in a directory under /etc/logmonitor/notifications.d. For example, definition of notification NOTIF is found under /etc/logmonitor/notifications.d/NOTIF/. The following table describe files part of the definition:

File Mandatory? Description
filter Yes Program (script or binary with executable permission) used to filter messages from a log file. It is invoked by the log monitor with a single argument: a line from the log file. On a match, the program should exit with a value of 0. Any other values is interpreted as non-match.
title Yes File containing the title of the notification. To produce dynamic content, the file can be a program (script or binary with executable permission). In this case, the program is invoked by the log monitor with the matched message from the log file as the single argument. Output of the program is used as the notification's title.
desc Yes File containing the description/message of the notification. To produce dynamic content, the file can be a program (script or binary with executable permission). In this case, the program is invoked by the log monitor with the matched message from the log file as the single argument. Output of the program is used as the notification's description/message.
level Yes File containing severity level of the notification. Valid severity level values are ERROR, WARNING or INFO. To produce dynamic content, the file can be a program (script or binary with executable permission). In this case, the program is invoked by the log monitor with the matched message from the log file as the single argument. Output of the program is used as the notification's severity level.

Notification Backend

Definition of notification backend is stored in a directory under /etc/logmonitor/targets.d. For example, definition of STDOUT backend is found under /etc/logmonitor/notifications.d/STDOUT/. The following table describe files part of the definition:

File Mandatory? Description
send Yes Program (script or binary with executable permission) that sends the notification. It is invoked by the log monitor with the following notification properties as arguments: title, description/message and the severity level.
debouncing No File containing the minimum amount time (in seconds) that must elapse before sending the same notification with the current backend. A value of 0 means infinite (notification is sent once). If this file is missing, no debouncing is done.

By default, the baseimage contains the following notification backends:

Backend Description Debouncing time
stdout Display a message to the standard output, make it visible in the container's log. Message of the format is {LEVEL}: {TITLE} {MESSAGE}. 21 600s (6 hours)

S6 Overlay Documentation

  • Make sure to read the S6 overlay documentation. It contains information that can help building your image. For example, the S6 overlay allows you to easily add initialization scripts and services.


A minimal docker baseimage to ease creation of long-lived application containers






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