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Development version of the WP Embed Facebook Plugin
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=== Magic Embeds === Contributors: poxtron Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=R8Q85GT3Q8Q26 Tags: Facebook, Social Plugins, embed facebook, facebook video, facebook posts, facebook events, facebook pages, facebook page, Facebook album, Facebook albums, Facebook photos, facebook photo, social, Requires at least: 6.3 Tested up to: 6.4 Requires PHP: 7.4 Stable tag: 3.1.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Embed any public Facebook video, page, comment, event, album, photo, profile. Add Facebook comments to all your site or embed any Social Plugin. == Description == Automatically embed any content from Facebook directly into your site just by copying the URL into the editor, using shortcodes or the new embed block. Replace the WordPress comments system with Facebook comments on selected post types or manually using a shortcode. Use simple shortcodes to invoke like, send, share, save buttons or any other Facebook Social Plugin. = Supported Embeds = * Videos & Live Video * Albums * Photos * Fan pages * Groups * Page Events List * Posts * Profiles * Single Comment * Events (Premium) There are two types of embeds: Custom Embeds that are entirely native to this plugin and Social Plugins which are pieces of code created by Facebook developers. [All custom embeds examples](https://wpembedfb.com/custom-embed/) [All social plugins examples](https://wpembedfb.com/social-plugin/) As an alternative to automatically embed your content, you can use the `[embedfb url]` shortcode instead and pass on some parameters to change each embed [examples](https://wpembedfb.com/documentation/wp-embed-facebook-shortcode-attributes-and-examples/). You can also use the built-in WordPress `[embed]` shortcode . = Facebook Social Plugins = **Shortcode variations** ` [fb_plugin like] [fb_plugin send] [fb_plugin share] [fb_plugin save] [fb_plugin comments] [fb_plugin quote] [fb_plugin page href=] [fb_plugin post href=] [fb_plugin video href=] [fb_plugin group href=] [fb_plugin comment href=] ` Change the default attributes for each plugin on settings or individually using shortcode attributes, see the list of all available attributes using the "help" attribute like this: `[fb_plugin like help=1]` For example: To embed a complete Facebook fan page with the latest post, events, and chat; use the shortcode like this: `[fb_plugin page href=https://www.facebook.com/wpemf tabs=timeline,events,messages ] ` To only show events use `tabs=events`. For posts use "timeline" and for chat use "messages". Embed a share button for your main fan page `[fb_plugin share href=https://www.facebook.com/wpemf layout=button_count ]` Remove the "href" attribute to share the current page even if its invoked from a widget. Find all possible attributes on the plugin settings "Social Plugins" section. See live examples [here](https://wpembedfb.com/social-plugin/). = Custom Embeds = Set up the use of custom embeds when possible automatically on settings, or change the type of embed individually using the main shortcode. For example: To embed an album, individual photo, post or fan page from Facebook use the shortcode like this: `[embedfb href=https://www.facebook.com/... social_plugin=false ] ` Set the number of photos on embedded albums using the "photos" attribute `[embedfb href=https://www.facebook.com/... photos=200 ]` Select between different styles of embeds using the theme attribute `[embedfb href=https://www.facebook.com/... social_plugin=false theme=classic ] ` Available themes are "default", "classic" and "elegant". Look on the FAQ on how to fully personalize your embeds. = Facebook Comments = Automatically replace the WordPress comments system with Facebook comments on selected post types or manually using the shortcode `[fb_plugin comments]`. To enable moderation, scrape URLs and custom embeds you have to set up a Facebook App ID and Secret on the settings page. = The Quote Social Plugin = Allow your visitors to share text from your site just by selecting it. Activate it automatically on selected post types or using the shortcode `[fb_plugin quote]` To see it in action visit this plugin website and select any text [Demo](https://wpembedfb.com). = Requirements = * Nothing to embed posts, pages, videos, and comments. * For custom embeds and comments moderation a Facebook App Id and Secret are required more details inside settings. = Extended Embeds Add-On = * Scrape your shared URLs on Facebook on update or manually on selected post types * Simple Widget for generating custom embeds and social plugin shortcodes * Embed single events you have been invited to * Embed all upcoming events of your fan page * Embed the full content of a single event using the shortcode `[fbfullevent url]` * Custom embed for fan pages with posts, events and albums tabs using the shortcode `[bfullpage url]` * One accessible yearly payment for a license that you can use on all the sites you want :) = Contributing = Feel like adding something? Create a pull request to the master branch on [github](https://github.com/sigami/wp-embed-facebook). All are welcome. == Installation == 1. Download wp embed facebook plugin from [WordPress](http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-embed-facebook) 1. Extract to /wp-content/plugins/ folder, and activate the plugin in /wp-admin/. 1. Create a Facebook App follow the [step-by-step guide](https://wpembedfb.com/documentation/creating-a-facebook-app-the-step-by-step-guide/). 1. Copy the App ID and App Secret to the “Magic Embeds” page under the Settings section. 1. Change settings to your liking. 1. Enjoy and tell someone! == Frequently Asked Questions == = How can I change the way an embed looks? = You can overwrite the embed template with a custom one. 1. Create a folder on **your theme** named "plugins" 1. Inside that folder create a new one named "wp-embed-facebook" 1. Inside that folder create a new one named "default" 1. Copy the contents of “wp-embed-facebook/custom-embeds/” to “your-theme/plugins/wp-embed-facebook/custom-embeds/” 1. Change the template files to what you want. Inside each file, you can access the `$fb_data` array that contains the information retrieved from Facebook = I moved from another Facebook comments/like plugin and my comments don't show = Go to "Advanced" section on settings and tick the option "Use permalinks on social plugins URLs" if it does not work, please create a support ticket mentioning the old comments plugin. = How can I make my page load faster? = Social plugins will load at its own time via JavaScript, so you have to wait on them, for custom embeds a cache plugin will significantly increase performance. = Why can't I embed a specific fan page getting error code 100? = The Facebook page you are trying to embed is not available to users logged out from Facebook. = I cannot embed my photostream = This plugin only works for embedding **albums**. = Is there a way to embed an album with more than 100 photos? = Change the number of embedded photos on settings or use the shortcode like this [embedfb album_url photos=200 ] This can only be achieved using the premium version. = How to get the correct URL from Facebook? = Time is the master. Right-click on the video, post, album, etc. time of creation and copy the URL. Buying the premium extensions helps to keep this project alive. = How I can guarantee that this software is kept up to date? = Buying the premium extensions helps to keep this project alive. == Screenshots == 1. Fan Page Social Plugin 2. Fan Page Custom Embed 3. Video Social Plugin 4. Video Custom Embed 5. Album 6. An album with more than 100 photos now on free version :) 7. Event (Premium only) 8. Full Event Shortcode (Premium only) 9. Full Page Shortcode (Premium only) 10. Fan page upcoming events (Premium only) 11. Post Social Plugin 12. Post Custom Embed 13. Photo Custom embed 14. Settings 15. Profile * Updated FB API to the latest version == Changelog == = 3.1.2 = * Fix XSS vulnerability on social plugins shortcode. = 3.1.1 = * Fix error on activating some plugins with cpt = 3.1.0 = * Pass through phpcs WordPress rules. * Fixes security issues = 3.0.7 = * Plugin Name changed to Magic Embeds to avoid legal issues * Fixed broken links * Updated api version to 3.3 and deprecated old versions * Added banner add for premium version = 3.0.6 = * Updated: minimum version. = 3.0.4 = * Fixed: FaacebookApiException not found error * Fixed: String to array warning * Fixed: Broken links... some still there... = 3.0.3 = * Fixed: Jetpack photon compatibility = 3.0.2 = * Fixed: Login error for non admin users * Removed: Unused code * Updated: Framework update action * Fixed: Broken links = 3.0.0 = * Improved: Translated API calls * Added: Url scraper * Added: Group social plugin * Removed: Deprecated social plugins * Removed: Events custom embeds because Facebook API changes, however, you can embed events you have been invited to with the premium version * Improved: Universal options page * Fixed: Comments count and order now on * Added: Facebook SDK v3.2 * Added: Compatibility for visual themes = 2.2.4 = * Fixed: Missing icons on custom embeds * Added: Facebook SDK v2.12 = 2.2.3 = * Added: filter for $fbsdk * Added: Facebook SDK v2.11 = 2.2.2 = * Added: Facebook SDK v2.10 = 2.2.1 = * Fixed: Album thumbnails * Fixed: Default sdk locale * Fixed: Tiny MCE CSS not updating correctly = 2.2.0 = * Improved: fb.js no longer depends on jQuery * Improved: Templates CSS (completely rewritten) * Improved: Custom embed responsiveness * Improved: Album thumbnails look * Fixed: Adaptive embed script * Added: [embedfb] shortcode just in case [facebook] shortcode is being used by another plugin * Updated: Deprecate Facebook SDK version 2.3 force to 2.4 = 2.1.14 = * Added: Compatibility for PHP 5.3 0..o = 2.1.13 = * Fixed: website page url @sabrina_b * Added: Shortcode widget * Updated: Facebook locales = 2.1.12 = * Added: shortcode widget * Added: api version 2.9 * Added: filter wef_embedded_with * Added: advanced option to use permalinks on social plugins urls * Improved: updated wp_get_sites for get_sites = 2.1.10 = * Improved: Deprecated Facebook SDK 2.1 and 2.2 automatically updates to 2.3 * Improved: admin navigation = 2.1.9 = * Fixed: page likes count * Fixed: css not found no custom templates = 2.1.8 = * Fixed: Removed download video link * Fixed: Prevent wrong file load on theme templates @pierreg_ = 2.1.7 = * Fixed: URL understanding on page embeds when they have the format page-name-8798798 * Fixed: website on custom embed fail on edge cases * Fixed: download video link * Added: Spanish translations ES, MX, AR, CL, GT, PE, VE = 2.1.6 = * Fixed: missing posts from page embeds * Updated: readme file = 2.1.5 = * Added: new filter wef_lightbox_title * Added: event time format option * Added: single post time format option * Added: single post now triggers photos in lightbox * Fixed: single post caption link error * Added: compatibility for custom embed templates css (pierreg_) * Fixed: typos on readme file * Improved: Lightbox css and option section * Added: Facebook API v2.7 * Added: option to use lightbox on [gallery] shortcode (experimental) = 2.1.4 = * Added: new action 'wp_embed_fb' on WP_Embed_FB class * Added: compatibility for using href=, url=, uri=, link=, on [facebook] shortcode * Fixed: shortcode not running when text changed for htmlentities * Added: warning when shortcode in badly used. = 2.1.3 = * Fixed: includes giving problems in some sites. = 2.1.2 = * Added: [fb_plugin] shortcode to embed any social plugin * Added: Auto embed comments plugin to certain post types * Added: Auto embed quote plugin to certain post types * Added: Default options for all social plugins * Added: Advanced option to integrate other lightbox scripts to the album embeds * Improved: Admin area is more comprehensive with tons of examples * Improved: URL recognition * Deprecated: Old functions on Wef_Social_Plugins class = 2.1.1 = * Updated: social plugins embed = 2.1.0 = * Fixed: Shortcode [facebook object_id] * Fixed: Error for uls https://www.facebook.com/something-3423223 * Fixed: Readme typo * Added: Uglyfied scripts * Added: Extra FAQ * Added: Github for development https://github.com/sigami/wp-embed-facebook = 2.1 = * Removed: all options and moved them to a single one "wpemfb_options" * Removed: resize cover javascript it is now done with CSS * Fixed: timezone bug custom post and events * Added option to only load scripts when an embed is present * Added option to reset all options * Added JetPack Photon compatibility * Added compatibility with some drag and drop themes * Added lightbox.sass for theme developers * Changed: Lightbox script and style * Added Lightbox Option Album Label * Added Lightbox Option Always Show Nav On Touch Devices * Added Lightbox Option Show Image Number Label * Added Lightbox Option Wrap Around * Added Lightbox Option Disable Scrolling * Added Lightbox Option Fit Images In Viewport * Added Lightbox Option Max Width * Added Lightbox Option Max Height * Added Lightbox Option Position From Top * Added Lightbox Option Resize Duration * Added Lightbox Option Fade Duration * Changed CSS on the classic theme = = * Fixed: Admin notice bug * Lightbox css improved * Fixed: cover css = 2.0.9 = * Fixed: CSS on footer when using different themes * Changed: d all.js to sdk.js (bryant1410) * Optimization for sites with no Facebook App * Added error messages for special cases * Added advanced option for selecting Facebook SDK version * Fixed: locale error inside the editor * Fixed: link underline in some themes * Fixed: several CSS and HTML structure nothing critical = 2.0.8 = * Fix Event title css = 2.0.7 = * Settings translation link * Improved object id identification for fan pages and posts * Video download option = 2.0.6 = * Added new filter "wpemfb_embed_fb_id" * Added Download Video option * Added Settings link on plugin description * Improved type and fb_id recognition = 2.0.5 = * Improved [embed] shortcode compatibility ! * Added new 'photos' attribute for shortcode used only on albums * Added 'type' parameter to wpemfb_template filter * Fixed: https on all templates * Fixed: like and comment links on single post raw * Fixed: forced app token only if it has an app * Fixed: admin shortcode references * Fixed: removed unused options on uninstall * Fixed: translations strings * Fixed: notice on installations with no FB App = 2.0.4 = * changed shortcode tag from [facebook=url] to [facebook url] * force app access token = 2.0.3 = * Fixed: notice on pages and events with no cover * Moved admin scripts to footer = 2.0.2 = * Added options for page social plugins * Changed admin layout * Does not need facebook app for simple embeds * More human-friendly = 2.0.1 = * Fixed: message on photo single post = 2.0 = * Fixed: language issue when embedding social plugins in admin * Fixed: time on events * Changed: Facebook API to 2.4 * Added new parameters for shortcode "social_plugin" and "theme" * Fixed: shortcode use [facebook FB_Object_ID ] * Improved CSS and themes * New Embed Post Raw = = * Fixed: delete of options on uninstall = = * Fixed: Embed Video Error * Fixed: like and follow button html = = * Fixed: more things on multisite * Fixed: Page Template HTML = = * Fixed: translation files * Fixed: bug on event template = = * Fixed: MultiSite error * New Shortcode use [facebook FB_Object_ID ] solution for fb permalinks * Fixed: raw attribute on shortcode when url is video = = * Local Release = = * Fixed: headers already sent notice. * Added Links to Facebook Apps and plugin settings * Removed: deprecated is_date_only field on event template = 1.9.6 = * Fix Fatal Error on non object = 1.9.5 = * Fixed: event templates * Fixed: album thumbnails * Fixed: jQuery UI error when admin is in https = 1.9.4 = * Added option to embed raw videos with facebook code * Added poster on raw embed videos * Changed: to FB API v2.3 * Changed: raw photo template = 1.9.3 = * Fixed: error on older versions of PHP = 1.9.2 = * Line breaks fix = 1.9.1 = * Line breaks fix = 1.9 = * Facebook video embed code in case video type is not supported * Fix: Compatibility with other facebook plugins thanks to ozzWANTED * New filter: 'wpemfb_api_string' and 'wpemfb_2nd_api_string' * Show embedded posts on admin * Fix undefined variable on js * Fix languages on event time = 1.8.3 = * Better Video Embeds = 1.8.2 = * Fix: Error on some systems nothing critic. = 1.8.1 = * Fix: Warning on Dashboard * Changed: : Readme.txt = 1.8 = * Compatibility with twenty 15 theme * New CSS for embeds * Compatibility with the premium plugin = 1.7.1 = * Documentation Changed: * New advanced option = 1.7 = * Better detection of video URLs * FB js now loaded via jquery * More comprehensive admin section * Fix album pictures not showing on chrome = 1.6.2 = * minor bugs = 1.6.1 = * fix website url * fix embed post width = 1.6 = * Responsive Template * Posts on Page Embeds * Album Photo Count * Fixes on Admin Page * Remove of unnecessary code = 1.5.3 = * fixed Warning in admin = 1.5 = * Support for raw videos and photos * Support for albums * Spanish translations = 1.4 = * Support for Video url's * Support for filter 'wpemfb_category_template' * Follow buttons * Better photo embeds * New website www.wpembedfb.com ! = 1.3.1 = * Documentation and screenshots. = 1.3 = * Shortcode [facebook url width=600] width is optional * Themes * Multilingual Like Buttons = 1.2.3 = * Bugs and documentation = 1.2.1 = * Changed: d Instructions * Change theme template directory = 1.2 = * Embed posts * Embed photos * Like buttons = 1.1.1 = * Corrected links on events. = 1.1 = * Making the plugin public. = 1.0 = * Making the plugin. == Upgrade Notice == = 3.0.6 = Version bump ready for WP 5.2
Development version of the WP Embed Facebook Plugin
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