This project contains all my dotfiles that are moved from box to box.
Manually installed
- Raycast
- AppCleaner
- kitty
- exelban/stats: macOS system monitor in your menu bar
- Brave browser
- Signal
- Slack
- Clipy
- Docker
- VirtualBox
- Logseq: A privacy-first, open-source knowledge base
- Dropbox
- Android Command line tools
- super-productivity
- Spark or Mimestream
- Kap
- Nix & NixOS | Reproducible builds and deployments
- mplayer
- Hammerspoon
- (Best screeshot software)
- Proxyman · Debug, intercept & mock HTTP with Proxyman
- Download and unpack the dir
. - Add to path
- Run
- Intro to flakes
- Tutorial
nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA nixUnstable
- NixOS in VMWare Fusion
- sq | wrangle data (like jq/yq but for SQL)
nix-shell and darwin-nix
Development happens only in NixOS running in VMWare Fusion. I feel I am far from using flake though.
Slow migration to nix-darwin started. All non-gui apps can be there.
Project restructured to work with chezmoi
An attempt to adopt Nix package manager.
Moved to spacemacs as a replacement for Prelude. It is a Emacs Kit, focused on integration with Evil mode.
No need to use
to enter docker container, usingdocker exec
xset r rate 200 25
npm config set prefix '~/mutable_node_modules'