Full featured video and audio decompressor. Allows EDL based editing, with transitions and video generators.
usage: libav2yuv [-stream<stream>] [-interlace p|b|t] [-frameRate <rate>] [-aspect <aspect>] [-chroma <chroma>] [-out <outputfile>] <filename>
converts any media file recognised by libav to yuv4mpeg stream
-w|--audio Write a PCM file not a video file
-I|--interlace <pbt> Force interlace mode overides parameters read from media file
-F|--frameRate <n:d> Force framerate. This is not
-f|--format <fmt> Force format type (if incorrectly detected)
-A|--aspect (<n:d>|PAL|PAL_WIDE|NTSC|NTSC_WIDE) Force aspect ratio
-S|--chroma <chroma> Force chroma subsampling mode. Only use this if you know what you are doing, or using -convert
if the mode in the stream is unsupported will upsample to YUV444
-c|--convert Force conversion to chroma mode (requires a chroma mode)
-s|--stream select stream other than stream 0
-o|--out <outputfile> write to file rather than stdout
-r|--range [[[HH:]MM:]SS:]FF-[[[HH:]MM:]SS:]FF playout only these frames
-E|--extension enable y4m extensions (may be required if source file is not a common format)
-h|--help print this help
These examples are from the above site, they are a basis for the EDL format which libav2yuv supports. An actual libav2yuv EDL file is shown below.
Here are several examples (CMX format):
Cut to "BLACK" on video and A1 & A2:
Edit # Reel Name Channel Trans Dur Source IN Source OUT Record IN Record OUT
002 BL AA/V C 00:00:00:00 00:00:10:00 00:59:45:00 00:59:55:00
75 frame dissolve from reel 123 to reel 123B on video and A1:
Edit # Reel Name Channel Trans Dur Source IN Source OUT Record IN Record OUT
105 123 B C 03:05:57:17 03:05:57:17 01:00:21:20 01:00:21:20
105 123B B D 075 03:15:33:09 03:15:35:24 01:00:21:20 01:00:24:05
30 frame wipe (pattern 001) from reel 002 to reel 003 on video only:
Edit # Reel Name Channel Trans Dur Source IN Source OUT Record IN Record OUT
002 002 V C 02:00:10:00 02:00:10:00 01:00:13:18 01:00:13:18
002 003 V W001 030 03:00:00:00 03:00:10:00 01:00:13:18 01:00:23:18
"Split" edit to reel 021, first to video-only, then video and A1, with two notes:
Edit # Reel Name Channel Trans Dur Source IN Source OUT Record IN Record OUT
SPLIT: AUDIO DELAY= 00:00:00:06
053 021 V C 01:21:05:19 01:21:06:26 01:00:51:11 01:00:52:18
053 021 A C 01:21:05:25 01:21:06:26 01:00:51:17 01:00:52:18
KEY- Background-reel 131, Foreground-reel 051, with freeze on reel 131, with two notes:
Edit # Reel Name Channel Trans Dur Source IN Source OUT Record IN Record OUT
037 131 V K B 10:57:40:22 10:57:41:11 01:00:36:08 01:00:36:27
037 051 V K O 000 01:07:39:05 01:07:39:24 01:00:36:08 01:00:36:27
M2 131 000.0 10:57:41:00
This sample is based on an actual LIBAV2YUV EDL file.
The EDL Filter parser format is in the form:
# <filename|tag> <Channel> <TransitionType>[num] [duration] [srcIn] [srcOut] [recIn] [recOut]
/Users/d332027/Movies/TheFaceOfTheEnemy/the_face_of_the_enemy_01.mpg VA C 0:0:0:0 0:4:9:0
/Users/d332027/Movies/TheFaceOfTheEnemy/the_face_of_the_enemy_02.mpg VA C 0:0:0:0 0:3:39:0
/Users/d332027/Movies/TheFaceOfTheEnemy/the_face_of_the_enemy_03.mpg VA C 0:0:0:0 0:2:38:0
/Users/d332027/Movies/TheFaceOfTheEnemy/the_face_of_the_enemy_04.mpg VA C 0:0:0:0 0:3:9:0
/Users/d332027/Movies/TheFaceOfTheEnemy/the_face_of_the_enemy_05.mpg VA C 0:0:0:0 0:4:39:0
/Users/d332027/Movies/TheFaceOfTheEnemy/the_face_of_the_enemy_06.mpg VA C 0:0:0:0 0:4:9:0
/Users/d332027/Movies/TheFaceOfTheEnemy/the_face_of_the_enemy_07.mpg VA C 0:0:0:0 0:2:9:0
/Users/d332027/Movies/TheFaceOfTheEnemy/the_face_of_the_enemy_08.mpg VA C 0:0:0:0 0:3:9:0
/Users/d332027/Movies/TheFaceOfTheEnemy/the_face_of_the_enemy_09.mpg VA C 0:0:0:0 0:3:38:15
/Users/d332027/Movies/TheFaceOfTheEnemy/the_face_of_the_enemy_10.mpg VA C 0:0:0:0 0:5:46:0
- The edit number and reel name is replaced by a filename.
- Channel works in the same way. However A refers to both audio channels, left and right.
- Transition Type. Currently only 'C' (for cut) and 'D' (dissolve) is supported.
- Source in and Source out work in the same way. Many video files do not support time code. So the first frame of the file is considered 0:0:0:0
- Record in and record out are not used.