Play Store:
This app is an update of an old project I've done several years ago and since I don't have the source code anymore, I just choose to rewrite everything using new technologies and patterns.
The app offers to users the possibility to take distance measures in straight line using their smartphones and save these data for later usage. It also, allows users to delete the measurements simply sliding the list items to any side.
For this project, I'm using some libraries listed below:
- com.ninenine.reactivelocation:reactive-location
- android.arch.lifecycle:extensions
- org.koin:koin-android
- org.koin:koin-android-architecture
- com.github.pedrovgs:renderers
- org.jetbrains.anko:anko-commons
The app was created using MVVM architecture with the help of Google Architecture Components such as ViewModel and LiveData following the Reactive and Repository Patterns.
The dependency injection was achieved with the help of Koin library.
The Continuous Integration have been initially configured and is building the app on Travis every time there's a PUSH to the repository. I'm using FastLane to automate the build because it's the tool I'm used to and that will let me to run more complex tasks in the future.
The next step is to finish the configuration to automatically build and deploy the app to the Play Store and as soon as I get automated tests done, run them before everything.