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Bifröst is a tiny (125kb) Homepage/Startpage Dashboard forked from jeroenpardon/sui with some small modifications.

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In Norse mythology, Bifröst is the bridge between the land of mortals, Midgard, and the >land of the gods, Asgard. The gods cross it every day to meet and decide things at >Urdarbrunn (Well of Urd) under the tree Yggdrasill. The bridge is a rainbow. It was built >by the Æsir and is guarded by the god Heimdall.

Screenshot of Bifröst


Bifröst is a tiny (125kb, without Backgound Image) Homepage/Startpage Dashboard forked from jeroenpardon/sui with some small modifications. I kept the original JSON configuration approach but added some Gulp Tasks, changed the javascript, added a notsosecret access control and the possibility to add more sections.

Combined with docker you can host this dashboard with less than 5MB of space.


Just download the latest Release and unzip the directory to your webserver and edit the settings.json file.

Build from Souce

  • Clone this repository
  • Install Gulp and Depenencies
    npm install
  • Create Production Files
    npm run gulp

The production files are then located within the "dist" folder. Point your webroot there and edit the settings.json file.



You can edit the greetings within settings.js

    "strings": [
      "Gute Nacht!",
      "Guten Morgen!",
      "Guten Nachmittag!",
      "Guten Abend!"


You can add more sections by creating them in the index.html file. Be sure to name the section the same in the settings.json file.

Background Image and Colors

Original Wallpaper by TheAdamTaylor

You can change the Background Image bg.jpg in the assets/img by simply replacing it with another Image woth the same name or change the name in the public/index.html file.

If you want a plain colored background simply remove the figure tag from public/index.html You can define the colors within assets/css/styles.css by changing the root variables. You can also change the Font Colors as well.

<figure class="background">
    <img src="assets/img/bg.jpg">    
	--color-background: #242B33;
	--color-text-pri: #EFFBFF;
	--color-text-acc: #7ae0ff;

The "not so secret" Access Control

This Dashboard uses a not very secret simple method for access control. Basically you add the notsosecret String from settings.json to your URL like in this example:

You will only need to do this once per Browser you intend to use the Dashboard, since the notsosecret key will be stored in your localStorage for further comparison. I may update this method in the future.


If you want to host this Dashboard with Docker, build the project first and then expose "dist" to Docker:

docker run --rm -it -e 'ENABLE_COMPRESSION'='1' -e 'ENABLE_CACHE'='1' -p '1702:80/tcp' -v 'dist/':'/var/www':'ro' 'momar/web:latest'

momar/webis ( a tiny (1.75mb) container for simply serving static files. Perfect for serving our dashboard.

Digitalocean App Platform

To host Bifröst for Free with the DO App Plattform simply clone this repository first make all modifications to the json files and the notsosecret access.js then push these back to your forked repository.

Instruct the DO App Platform to use dist/ as root folder and to run "npm run gulp" after the deployment.

Here is the AppSpec example for my Dashboard:

- domain:
  type: PRIMARY
name: dash-simonjenny-dev
region: fra
- build_command: npm run gulp
  environment_slug: node-js
    branch: master
    deploy_on_push: true
    repo: simonjenny/
  name: dash-simonjenny-dev
  output_dir: dist
  - path: /
  source_dir: /


Bifröst is a tiny (125kb) Homepage/Startpage Dashboard forked from jeroenpardon/sui with some small modifications.






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