Improvement: #189 Use a configuration file to store server's address and its API key
The server URL and the API key are now stored into a configuration file (by default $HOME/.immich-go/immich-go.json).
If not provided in the CLI argument, those values are read from the configuration file.
The option -use-configuration=path/to/config/file
let you specify the configuration file.
fix: #193 Flags not being passed to subcommands #193
- 52bb5dd - changed strings.Cut by strings.TrimSuffix
- ae3095a .
- a798255 Albums from subdirectories with matching names Fixes #159
- 607c29d Append Log (#190)
- a3ab22c Better handling of wild cards in path
- 909c310 Better wording on the readme.md (#180)
- e74c913 Bump version in release notes
- e51af8a Bump version in release notes
- 0d0c4ca Delete e2e.env
- b2aa7f6 Merge branch 'main' into simulot/issue159
- 7ef3a01 Merge branch 'main' into simulot/issue159-Albums-from-subdirectories-with-matching-names
- 156ca3c Merge branch 'main' of github.com:simulot/immich-go
- c70d665 Merge pull request #192 from matthewkeller36/dedupe-no-ext
- 9c7fae1 Merge pull request #194 from simulot/simulot/issue159
- 70c4a6e Merge pull request #197 from simulot/simulot/issue189
- 257bd97 Refactor CLI file name parsing
- ec8b177 Simulot/issue179 (#186)
- fb314d8 Simulot/issue179 (#188)
- e35e4e2 WIP Add e2e test for XMP and new way to parse CLI
- d203831 [FEATURE REQUEST] Use immich CLI configuration if it already exists
- 9fd0660 added ignore extension duplication option
- c61772f added ignore extension duplication option (#191)
- 571cf83 remove e2e.env
- 81488b8 update readme