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Sisimai is a library provided as a Go package that decodes various formats of bounce emails and outputs structured data necessary for analysis, such as destination addresses and bounce reasons.


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Sisimai is a library provided as a Go package that decodes various formats of bounce emails and outputs structured data necessary for analysis, such as destination addresses and bounce reasons. Besides Go, it is very useful for grasping the occurrence status of bounces by obtaining decoded results in any environment as long as it is a language that can read JSON, such as PHP, Java, Python, and Rust.

What is Sisimai

Sisimai is a Go package, is a library that decodes complex and diverse bounce emails and outputs the results of the delivery failure, such as the reason for the bounce and the recipient email address, in structured data. It is also possible to output in JSON format.

The key features of Sisimai

  • Decode email bounces to structured data
    • Sisimai provides detailed insights into bounce emails by extracting 26 key data points.1
      • Essential information: Timestamp, Origin
      • Sender information: Addresser, SenderDomain,
      • Recipient information: Recipient, Destination, Alias
      • Delivery information: Action, ReplyCode, DeliveryStatus, Command
      • Bounce details: Reason, DiagnosticCode, DiagnosticType, FeedbackType, FeedbackID, HardBounce
      • Message details: Subject, MessageID, ListID,
      • Additional information: DecodedBy, TimezoneOffset, Lhost, Rhost, Token, Catch
    • Output formats
  • Easy to Install, Use.
    • $ go get -u
    • import ""
  • High Precision of Analysis

Command line demo

The following screen shows a demonstration of Dump function of package at the command line using Go(go-sisimai) and jq command.

Setting Up Sisimai

System requirements

More details about system requirements are available at Sisimai | Getting Started page.

Install and Build


$ mkdir ./sisimai
$ cd ./sisimai
$ go mod init
go: creating new go.mod: module

$ go get -u
go: added v0.35.0
go: added v0.22.0
go: added v5.2.0

$ cat ./go.mod

go 1.20

require ( v0.35.0 // indirect v0.22.0 // indirect v5.2.0 // indirect


For example, the following sisid.go: sisimai decoder is a minimal program that decodes bounce emails and outputs them in JSON format.

$ vi ./sisid.go
// sisimai decoder program
package main
import "os"
import "fmt"
import ""

func main() {
    path := os.Args[1]
    args := sisimai.Args()

    sisi, nyaan := sisimai.Rise(path, args)
    for _, e := range *sisi {
        cv, _ := e.Dump()
    if len(*nyaan) > 0 { fmt.Frpintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", *nyaan) }

Once you have written sisid.go, build an executable binary with go build command.

$ CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o ./sisid ./sisid.go

Specifying the path to a bounce email (or Maildir/) as the first argument will output the decoded results as a JSON string.

$ ./sisid ./path/to/bounce-mail.eml | jq
  "addresser": "[email protected]",
  "recipient": "[email protected]",
  "timestamp": 1650119685,
  "action": "failed",
  "alias": "[email protected]",
  "catch": null,
  "decodedby": "Postfix",
  "deliverystatus": "5.7.26",
  "destination": "",
  "diagnosticcode": "host[] said: This mail has been blocked because the sender is unauthenticated. Gmail requires all senders to authenticate with either SPF or DKIM. Authentication results: DKIM = did not pass SPF [] with ip: [] = did not pass For instructions on setting up authentication, go to c2-202200202020202020222222cat.127 - gsmtp (in reply to end of DATA command)",
  "diagnostictype": "SMTP",
  "feedbackid": "",
  "feedbacktype": "",
  "hardbounce": false,
  "lhost": "",
  "listid": "",
  "messageid": "[email protected]",
  "origin": "./path/to/bounce-mail.eml",
  "reason": "authfailure",
  "rhost": "",
  "replycode": "550",
  "command": "DATA",
  "senderdomain": "",
  "subject": "Nyaan",
  "timezoneoffset": "+0900",
  "token": "5253e9da9dd67573851b057a89cbcf41293e99bf"


Basic usage function provides the feature for getting decoded data as *[]sis.Fact struct, occurred errors as *[]sis.NotDecoded from bounced email messages as the following.

package main
import "os"
import "fmt"
import ""

func main() {
    path := os.Args[1]     // go run ./sisid /path/to/mailbox or maildir/
    args := sisimai.Args() // sis.DecodingArgs{}

    // If you also need analysis results that are "delivered" (successfully delivered),
    // set `true` into the "Delivered" option for the Rise() function as shown below.
    args.Delivered = true

    // If you also need analysis results that show a "vacation" reason, set `true` into
    // the "Vacation" option for the Rise() function as shown in the following code.
    args.Vacation  = true

    // sisi is a pointer to []sis.Fact
    sisi, nyaan := sisimai.Rise(path, args)
    if len(*sisi) > 0 {
        for _, e := range *sisi {
            // e is a sis.Fact struct
            fmt.Printf("- Sender is %s\n", e.Addresser.Address)
            fmt.Printf("- Recipient is %s\n", e.Recipient.Address)
            fmt.Printf("- Bounced due to %s\n", e.Reason)
            fmt.Printf("- With the error message: %s\n", e.DiagnosticCode)

            cv, _ := e.Dump()     // Convert the decoded data to JSON string
            fmt.Printf("%s\n",cv) // JSON formatted string the jq command can read
    // nyaan is a pointer to []sis.NotDecoded
    if len(*nyaan) > 0 { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", *nyaan) }

Convert to JSON

The following code snippet illustrates the use of the function to obtain decoded bounce email data in JSON array format.

package main
import "os"
import "fmt"
import ""

func main() {
    path := os.Args[1]
    args := sisimai.Args()

    json, nyaan := sisimai.Dump(path, args)
    if json != nil && *json != "" { fmt.Printf("%s\n", *json)   }
    if len(*nyaan) > 0 { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", *nyaan) }

Callback feature

sis.DecodingArgs have the Callback0 and Callback1 fields for keeping callback functions. The former is called at message.sift() for dealitng email headers and entire message body. The latter is called at the end of each email file processing inside of sisimai.Rise().

The results generated by the callback functions are accessible via Catch field defined in sis.Fact.

Callback0: For email headers and the body

The function set in args.Callback0 is called at message.sift().

package main
import "os"
import "fmt"
import "strings"
import ""

func main() {
    path := os.Args[1]     // go run ./sisid /path/to/mailbox or maildir/
    args := sisimai.Args() // sis.DecodingArgs{}

    args.Callback0 = func(arg *sisimai.CallbackArg0) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
        // - This function allows users to add custom processing to the email before parsing.
        // - For example, you can extract the delivery ID from the "X-Delivery-App-ID:" header
        //   and store it in the data map like this: data["x-delivery-app-id"] = "neko22-2".
        // - The library executes this function and assigns the return value to the Catch field of the Fact struct.
        // - Users can then retrieve and access the data from Catch by type assertion in the caller.
        name := "X-Delivery-App-ID"
        data := make(map[string]interface{})
        data[strings.ToLower(name)] = ""

        if arg.Payload != nil && len(*arg.Payload) > 0 {
            mesg := *arg.Payload
            if p0 := strings.Index(mesg, "\n" + name + ":"); p0 > 0 {
                cw := p0 + len(name) + 2
                p1 := strings.Index(mesg[cw:], "\n")
                if p1 > 0 {
                    data[strings.ToLower(name)] = mesg[cw + 1:cw + p1]
        return data, nil

    sisi, _ := sisimai.Rise(path, args)
    if len(*sisi) > 0 {
        for _, e := range *sisi {
            // e is a sis.Fact struct
            re, as := e.Catch.(map[string]interface{})
            if as == false { continue }
            if ca, ok := re["x-delivery-app-id"].(string); ok {
                fmt.Printf("- Catch[X-Delivery-App-ID] = %s\n", ca)

Callback1: For each email file

The function set in args.Callback1 is called at sisimai.Rise() function for dealing each email file after decoding each bounce message.

package main
import "os"
import "io/ioutil"
import ""

func main() {
    path := os.Args[1]     // go run ./sisid /path/to/mailbox or maildir/
    args := sisimai.Args() // sis.DecodingArgs{}

    args.Callback1 = func(arg *sisimai.CallbackArg1) (bool, error) {
        // - This function defines custom operations that the user wants to perform on the parsed email file.
        // - For example, you can write the contents of the parsed bounce email to a file in /tmp/.
        if nyaan := ioutil.WriteFile("/tmp/copy.eml", []byte(*arg.Mail), 0400); nyaan != nil {
            return false, nyaan
        return true, nil

    // sisi is a pointer to []sis.Fact
    sisi, nyaan := sisimai.Rise(path, args)
    if len(*sisi) > 0 {
        for _, e := range *sisi {
            // e is a sis.Fact struct

More information about the callback feature is available at Sisimai | How To Parse - Callback Page.

Output example

    "addresser": "[email protected]",
    "recipient": "[email protected]",
    "timestamp": 1650119685,
    "action": "failed",
    "alias": "[email protected]",
    "catch": null,
    "decodedby": "Postfix",
    "deliverystatus": "5.7.26",
    "destination": "",
    "diagnosticcode": "host[] said: This mail has been blocked because the sender is unauthenticated. Gmail requires all senders to authenticate with either SPF or DKIM. Authentication results: DKIM = did not pass SPF [] with ip: [] = did not pass For instructions on setting up authentication, go to c2-202200202020202020222222cat.127 - gsmtp (in reply to end of DATA command)",
    "diagnostictype": "SMTP",
    "feedbackid": "",
    "feedbacktype": "",
    "hardbounce": false,
    "lhost": "",
    "listid": "",
    "messageid": "[email protected]",
    "origin": "./path/to/bounce-mail.eml",
    "reason": "authfailure",
    "rhost": "",
    "replycode": "550",
    "command": "DATA",
    "senderdomain": "",
    "subject": "Nyaan",
    "timezoneoffset": "+0900",
    "token": "5253e9da9dd67573851b057a89cbcf41293e99bf"

Differences between Go and Others

The following table show the differences between the Go version of Sisimai and the other language versions: p5-sisimai and rb-sisimai.


Features Go Perl Ruby / JRuby
System requirements 1.17 - 5.26 - 2.4 - / 9.2 -
Dependencies (Except standard libs) 2 packages 2 modules 1 gem
Supported character sets UTF-8 only UTF-8,etc. 2 UTF-8,etc.3
Source lines of code 9,400 lines 9,900 lines 9,800 lines
The number of tests 143,400 tests 320,000 tests 410,000 tests
The number of bounce emails decoded/sec 4 1200 emails 450 emails 340 emails
License 2 Clause BSD 2 Caluse BSD 2 Clause BSD
Commercial support Coming soon Available Available


Bug report

Please use the issue tracker to report any bugs.

Emails could not be decoded

Bounce emails that couldn't be decoded by the latest version of sisimai are saved in the repository set-of-emails/to-be-debugged-because/sisimai-cannot-parse-yet. If you have found any bounce email cannot be decoded using sisimai, please add the email into the directory and send Pull-Request to this repository.

Other Information

Related sites

See also


@azumakuniyuki and sisimai development team


Copyright (C) 2014-2025 azumakuniyuki and sisimai development team, All Rights Reserved.


This software is distributed under The BSD 2-Clause License.


  1. The callback function allows you to add your own data under the Catch field.

  2. Character sets supported by Encode and Encode::Guess modules

  3. Character sets supported by String#encode method

  4. macOS Monterey/1.6GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5/16GB-RAM/Go 1.22/Perl 5.30


Sisimai is a library provided as a Go package that decodes various formats of bounce emails and outputs structured data necessary for analysis, such as destination addresses and bounce reasons.







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