1. CLASS(Cosmic Linear Anisotropy Solving System)
- CLASS is a Boltzmann code that simulate the evolution of linear perturbations in the universe and to compute CMB and large scale structure observables.
2. Montepython
- Montepython is a MCMC sampling package in Python used for parameter inference in cosmology. It contains likelihood codes from the most current investigations and interacts with the Boltzmann code CLASS for computing cosmic observables.
3. Cobaya(code for baysian analysis)
- Cobaya is a framework for sampling and statistical modelling similar to that of Montepython but with some extra advantage of handling models with intgernal interdependencies.
4. GaPP(Gaussian Process in Python)
- GaPP is a package to reconstruct non-parametric cosmological observables using several observational data sets and Gaussian Process regression.
5. gevolution
- gevolution is a N-body simulation code for the evolu-tion of the large-scale structure of the universe.