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This is a user configuration for Neovim based on NvChad. Plugins for PHP, JavaScript, Typescript, Lua, HTML, CSS, JSON, YAML, Docker are configured.


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This is a user configuration for Neovim based on NvChad. Plugins for PHP, JavaScript, Typescript, Lua, HTML, CSS, JSON, YAML, Docker are configured.

⚡ Requirements

  • Nerd Fonts - for to support icons in fonts

    Example configuration file for Alacritty

    padding.x = 20
    padding.y = 20
    opacity = 0.92
    blur = true
    decorations = "Full"
    decorations_theme_variant = "Dark" # "Light"
    size = 15.0 = "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font"
  • Neovim

🛠️ Installation

Linux/Mac OS (Unix)

Make a backup of your current nvim and shared folder.

mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak
mv ~/.local/share/nvim ~/.local/share/nvim.bak
mv ~/.local/state/nvim ~/.local/state/nvim.bak
mv ~/.cache/nvim ~/.cache/nvim.bak

Clone the repository.

git clone --depth=1 ~/.config/nvim
rm -rf ~/.config/nvim/.git

Install Mason packages.

  • :MasonInstallAll - install all required packages (LSP, Linters, Formatters)
  • :MasonInstall js-debug-adapter, :MasonInstall php-debug-adapter - install debug adapters for JS/TS and PHP

Windows (Powershell)

Make a backup of your current nvim and nvim-data folder.

Rename-Item -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim -NewName $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim.bak
Rename-Item -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim-data -NewName $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim-data.bak

Clone the repository.

git clone --depth=1 $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim
Remove-Item $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim\.git -Recurse -Force

Install Mason packages.

  • :MasonInstallAll - install all required packages (LSP, Linters, Formatters)
  • :MasonInstall js-debug-adapter, :MasonInstall php-debug-adapter - install debug adapters for JS/TS and PHP


mode key description
n, v <Space>h mappings
n, v <Space>/ toggle comment
n <Ctrl> + \ format file if automatic formatting is disabled
i jj <Esc>
i <Ctrl> + b move beginning of line
i <Ctrl> + e move end of line
i <Ctrl> + h or <Left> move left
i <Ctrl> + l or <Right> move right
i <Ctrl> + j or <Down> move down
i <Ctrl> + k or <Up> move up
n \ add vertical window
n | add horizontal window
n <Ctrl> + <Up> decrease window height
n <Ctrl> + <Down> increase window height
n <Ctrl> + <Left> decrease window width
n <Ctrl> + <Right> increase window width
n <Ctrl> + h switch window left
n <Ctrl> + l switch window right
n <Ctrl> + j switch window down
n <Ctrl> + k switch window up
n <Space>n buffer new
n <Ctrl> + s save file
n <Ctrl> + c copy whole file
n <Tab> buffer goto next
n <Shift> + <Tab> buffer goto previous
n <Space>c buffer close
n <Space>bc close all buffers except current
n <Space>bC close all buffers
n, t <Alt> + v toggle vertical terminal
n, t <Alt> + h toggle horizontal terminal
n, t <Alt> + i toggle floating terminal
t <Ctrl> + x escape terminal mode
n <Space>q quit window
n <Space>Q exit Neovim
n <Space>p Mason
n <Space>e toggle Neotree (? - Neotree Help)
n <Space>ff Telescope find files
n <Space>fa Telescope find all files
n <Space>fw Telescope find files by word
n <Space>fb Telescope find buffers
n <Space>fh Telescope help page
n <Space>fm Telescope find marks
n <Space>fo Telescope find old files
n <Space>fz Telescope find in current buffer
n <Space>fc Telescope git commits
n <Space>fs Telescope git status
n <Space>ft Telescope NvChad themes
n <Space>du toggle debug ui
n <Space>db toggle debug breakpoint
n <Space>ds start/stop debug
n <Space>dd disconnect debug
n <Space>do debug step over
n <Space>di debug step into
n <Space>dp debug step out
n gD go to declaration
n gd go to definition
n gi go to implementation
n <Space>xd Trouble toggle diagnostics
n <Space>xs Trouble toggle symbols
n <Space>xl Trouble toggle LSP definitions, references
n, v <Space>la LSP code action
n <Space>ld LSP diagnostic
n <Space>lr LSP references
n <Space>lR LSP rename in buffer
n <Space>gd Git diff
n <Space>gl Git log
n <Space>gs Git status
n [d previous diagnostic
n ]d next diagnostic
n [t previous todo comment
n ]t next todo comment
n s Leap forward to
n S Leap backward to
n <Ctrl> + b CMP scroll screen back
n <Ctrl> + f CMP scroll screen forward
n <Space>wK WhichKey all keymaps
n <Space>wk WhichKey query lookup


This is a user configuration for Neovim based on NvChad. Plugins for PHP, JavaScript, Typescript, Lua, HTML, CSS, JSON, YAML, Docker are configured.







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