Check command output and send notification if something changed
Setup cron task: */5 * * * * cd /install/path && ./command_watch.rb
enabled: true # true|false, default true
skip_error: false # true|false, default false, skip :do command if :watch command return non zero code, useful if curl sometimes return bad code
skip_empty: false # true|false, default false, skip :do command if :watch command return blank string
# we check output of this :watch command
every: 3h # \d+[mhd] - (minute,hour,day) every 3 hours, for example you can run unit every 5 minutes, but call watch command only every 3 hours
watch: curl -s | pup -p title text{}
# if output is different from previous call, then :do command will be called
# :do gets output of :watch as STDIN
# this email will have new title in body
do: mail -s "Title has changed" [email protected]
enabled: false
watch: date "+%Y-%m-%d"
do: curl -i -X GET "" -F "chat_id=CHAT_ID" -F "text=new day $1"
watch: date
# you can use result of :watch command in :do command
# $1 current result of :watch command,
# $2 is previous result
do: echo "$1 $2" > diff.txt
watch: ps | grep ruby | wc -l
lt: 4 # less then, when (:watch < 4) is changed, then :do will be called
# :lt value available as $lt in :do command
# other options is :gt and :eq
# gt: 4 # great then, when (:watch > 4) is changed
# eq: 4 # equal, when (:watch == 4) is changed
do: mail -s "Process count has changed, was $1, need $lt" [email protected]