- Date: May 14, 2015
- Author: Jaime A. Rodriguez [email protected]
- Version: 1.5
- License: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
Creates a Navigation UL based on a JSON file. Uses JSON to structure navigation pages and attributes. It can detect what page is active and assign classes to them for special treatment.
$topNavData = '{
"pages": [
"title": "Nav 1",
"link": "/nav1/"
}, {
"title": "Nav 2",
"link": "/nav2/",
"pages": [
"title": "Subnav 1",
"link": "/downloads/fpo.pdf",
"target": "_blank"
$topNav = new \Module\Navigation\Builder($topNavData);
<!-- In body somewhere -->
<nav class="top">
<?= $topNav->show(); ?>
- Added the menu, submenu, and .active.child classes
- Now automatically sets $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] as current page
- Added multiple hook points for manipulating navigations
- Added a track parameter