Перелік тасок
make is a GNU command so the only way you can get it on Windows is installing a Windows version like the one provided by GNUWin32. Anyway, there are several options for getting that:
Directly download from Make for Windows
Using Chocolatey. First you need to install this package manager. Once installed you simply need to install make (you may need to run it in an elevated/admin command prompt) :
choco install make
Other recommended option is installing a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL/WSL2), so you'll have a Linux distribution of your choice embedded in Windows 10 where you'll be able to install make, gccand all the tools you need to build C programs.
https://makefiletutorial.com/ https://python-poetry.org/docs/basic-usage/
and minimal testing
(master-backend-api-py3.12) PS C:...\master_backend_api> make install package=fastapi[all]
make install package=flake8
make install package=black
make install package=isort
make checks
run from prototypeFastAPI
docker build -t my-fastapi-app .
docker run -p 9000:9000 my-fastapi-app
-t my-fastapi-app — задає ім'я образу.
. — вказує поточну директорію як контекст збірки.
Пояснення: Контекст збірки Docker: Коли ви запускаєте docker build, Docker використовує поточну директорію (або вказану директорію) як контекст збірки. Усі файли, які ви копіюєте за допомогою COPY, повинні знаходитися в цьому контексті.
Шляхи у COPY: Шляхи у команді COPY відносяться до контексту збірки.
docker compose run --rm master-backend-api bash
appuser@7a246ab7c518:/app$ alembic init migrations
- add table
- add table to master_backend_api/app/migrations/env.py (unused import)
- run container "make app-run-bash"
- create migration "alembic revision --autogenerate -m "initial" "
- apply migration (manual) "alembic upgrade head"
- rollback (manually) "alembic downgrade -1"
- restart app (autoplaying according to execution command in docker compose file) "docker compose restart master-backend-api"