This WordPress plugin allows you to easily export articles to a CSV file format. It provides an admin panel where you can choose to export a specific article by its ID or all articles on your site. The exported CSV file includes the following columns: Title, Author, Publish Date, Slug URL, and Content.
- Download the plugin as a ZIP file.
- In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin.
- Choose the downloaded ZIP file and click on Install Now.
- After the installation is complete, click on Activate Plugin.
- In your WordPress admin panel, go to CSV Exporter under the main menu.
- To export all articles, leave the "Article ID" field as 0. To export a specific article, enter the article ID in the "Article ID" field.
- Click the Export Articles button to start the export process.
- The exported CSV file will be downloaded automatically to your computer.
This plugin is released under the GPLv3 License.