Keep your streams under control.
Levee has a goal of making streams easier to write and read. To do this, it provides a small collection of simple-to-use functions. No other dependencies.
Ever wanted to just map the keys or values of a Map
var myMap = Map.of("hey", "you");
var louder = myMap.entrySet()
.map(valueTo(v -> v.toUpperCase()))
Keep the new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<K, V>(key, value))
out of your
lambdas and collectors, Levee has got this for you already.
See more examples in MapEntriesTest
More detail in the javadocs. Don't worry too much about trying to understand the crazy higher-order function signatures, pay more attention to the descriptions. Please send issues for anything that could be more clear!
BSD license
A side quest of J.R. Hill