⭐️New Features
Provide a SOFABoot banner. #72
Add sofa version plugin. #159
Add callback ref and callback classname attribute. #223
🐞Bug fixes
Fix SofaRuntimeProperties Configuration. #87
Make code more spring boot style. #66
Unified using SofaBootLogSpaceIsolationInit. #63
Using jackson instead of fastjson. #94
Remove AbstractSofaBootMiddlewareVersionFacade. #129
ClientFactoryBeanPostProcessor should implement Ordered interface. #89
Refactor SOFABoot HealthCheck. #93
Make infra's dependency on spring-boot-starter-actuator optional. #144
Remove sofa-dependencies to a single project. #152
Optimize auto-configuration. #221
Optimize hint of error message. #222
Check the required property of #218
Support whether component can be duplicated registered. #199
Compatible with Spring Cloud #233
❤️ We’d like to thank all the contributors who worked on our current release!
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