Set root permission on itsb-usb user
sudo visudo
Installation of dependancies
yum update -y
yum install -y git
yum group install "Development Tools"
Installation of node js on CentOS 7
sudo curl --silent --location | bash -
yum install -y nodejs
Installation of libudev on CentOS 7
sudo yum install libudev-devel
Installation of dependencies node modules
From root directory of itsb-usb:
npm install
Installation and configuration of ClamAV on CentOS 7
sudo yum install -y epel-release
sudo yum install -y clamav clamav-update
cp /etc/freshclam.conf /etc/freshclam.conf.bak
sed -i '/^Example/d' /etc/freshclam.conf
sudo freshclam
node index.js
This marks the beginning of development on version 1.0