Pretty printer for ISO 8583 messages
Create a fat jar with:
sbt assembly
Accepts one argument: a textual representation of an ISO 8583 message.
java -jar pretty8583-assembly-0.1.jar "0200FA3A4591A880C0000000000006000000..."
sbt run "0200FA3A4591A880C0000000000006000000..."
ISO 8583 is a flexible standard and different vendors adapt it to their own needs. Since pretty8583 uses j8583 to parse the messages, a configuration XML with parsing guides must exist. One such is already provided in this repo: j8583.xml. It contains a parsing guide for message type 0x200 (financial ISO 8583 message) and a few others derived from it. It's not yet complete, but even if it were, you would probably have to adapt it to your needs.