A tool to extract information about Telegram, Rutube, VK, and Instagram channels from a list of links in an Excel file. This program scrapes channel name and followers count from these channels.
Install dependencies:
go get -u github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery go get -u github.com/xuri/excelize/v2 npm install puppeteer
Prepare your Excel file 📄:
- Create an Excel file with links to Telegram, Rutube, VK, and Instagram channels (any format works as long as the links contain
, orinstagram.com/
- Create an Excel file with links to Telegram, Rutube, VK, and Instagram channels (any format works as long as the links contain
Update the Puppeteer script 📝:
- Replace the placeholders for Instagram username and password in
with your actual Instagram credentials.
- Replace the placeholders for Instagram username and password in
Run the CLI 💻:
go run cmd/cli/main.go /path/to/your_excel_file.xlsx
Run the HTTP server 🌐:
go run cmd/http/main.go
- Open your browser and navigate to
to upload a file and download the processed file.
- Open your browser and navigate to
Check the output 📊:
- The program will generate an Excel file in the
folder with the extracted information. - The output includes channel name, followers count, and the original link.
- The program will generate an Excel file in the
After running the program, you will get an Excel file with the following format:
Channel Name | Followers Count | Original Link | Platform | Registration Status |
Golang News | 12500 | https://t.me/golang_news | Telegram | registered |
Tech Updates | 45800 | https://t.me/tech_updates | Telegram | not registered |
Programming Tips | 8320 | https://t.me/coding_tips | Telegram | registered |
The program provides real-time progress updates in the terminal:
Processing: https://t.me/golang_news
Processing: https://t.me/tech_updates
Processing: https://t.me/coding_tips
Success! Results saved to results/unique_id_channels_followers.xlsx
- Automatically scrapes:
- Telegram
- Rutube
- VK
- Handles rate limiting by implementing delays between requests ⏳
- Well-formatted Excel output with styled headers 📑
- Support for multiple link formats 🔗
- Go 1.13 or higher
- Node.js
- Dependencies:
- github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery (HTML parsing)
- github.com/xuri/excelize/v2 (Excel file handling)
- puppeteer (Headless browser for VK and Instagram scraping)
This project is licensed under the MIT License.