Timesheet WebApp that will, eventually, support basic CRM features. It is completly designed to be API based and is build using well-known frameworks like:
- AngularJS
- Bootstrap
- SpringSecurity
This are the versions we are using for development and testing since this is a simple project other versions might (or might not ) work.
- Grails 2.4.4
- Chrome 41.0.x
- MySQL Server 5.6.x
- Google Key for Google OAuth support, create your project here
I prefer using a local setup to minimize commiting files that are not really my own. You should create a file
With this content
dataSource.username = "<database-username>"
dataSource.password = "<database-password>"
dataSource.url = 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/loki_v2'
grails.serverURL = "http://loki.local.comdd:8080/loki"
loki {
allow_user_registration = true
oauth {
providers {
google {
key = "<your-google-key>"
secret = "<your-google-secret>"
We also use Trello in order to priorize massive new features long overdue. It is public and anyone can access is here