- This code still a work in progress
In the project root directory app/,
app.py contains a simple api that handles POST method
main.py (scratch) code to make a POST request
post_request.py (unfinished) code that will replace main.py, ties all the code together into 1 module
In the src/ directory, you'll find:
preprocess.py which encodes url parameters for sending a request to Google Maps api
client.py sends a request to Google Maps api, returns response as a Python bytes object
model_utils.py helper module for running predictions through the YOLOv5 model, using files sent as a post request to the flask api
postprocess.py maps machine learning model output (response) back to each address's index
In static/ directory, you'll find:
address_data.csv, a copy of the google sheet containing addresses with relevant columns only
best.pt, YOLOv5 model weights
data_index.pkl, indicies of addresses used to map model output back to original address
img_bytes_list.pkl, contains a Python list object of 10 images retrieved from the Google Maps api, in bytes, from a sample of 10 addresses