The cmp.markdown library contains DSL functions to generate markdown documents with Clojure. Functions ar provided for standard markdown and Github flavoured markdown extensions.
Include cmp.markdown as a dependency.
[org.soulspace.clj/cmp.markdown "0.4.1"]
Example code to generate markdown
(ns markdown.example
(:require [ :as md]))
(def md
(md/h1 "Markdown Example")
(md/p "This is an example of the programmatic generation of markdown files with the cmp.markdown library.")
(md/h2 "Markdown Formats")
(md/p "The cmp.markdown library supports the following markdown formats:\n"
(md/ol (md/link "Markdown" "")
(md/link "Github flavoured markdown" "")))))
(println md)
Generated markdown
Markdown Example
This is an example of the programmatic generation of markdown files with the cmp.markdown library.
Markdown Formats
The cmp.markdown library supports the following markdown formats:
1. [Markdown](
2. [Github flavoured markdown](
© 2012-2020 Ludger Solbach