This is an AppleScript that will allow you to take the text contents of the front-most BBEdit window and post them to your MetaWeblog-capable blog server. At present there is no means to edit an existing entry but such a feature is on the drawing table.
To install the script, place the contents of the Blog folder inside your BBEdit
Scripts folder. This can be found by navigating to the
Library/Application Support/BBEdit/Scripts
folder under your home directory.
Inside BBEdit you can assign a keyboard shortcut to a script if you like. I
find that kinda of nifty myself. Use the Script Palette
(Window>Palettes>Scripts), select your script, and then use the Set Key button.
There's some configuration that needs to be at the top of the script (URLs, account info, etc.)
I've only tested this script with BBEdit 10 on OS X 10.7.0 with a personal blog system I wrote. I have no idea if it works with the popular MetaWeblog implementations found in Drupal or Wordpress. If it works, let me know. If it doesn't, please fork the script and patch it. I don't use Drupal or Wordpress in the context this script was written for so I don't have the motivation to make time in order to work on such an endeavor. I'll gladly take a patch, review, merge and assign credit where credit is due though.
There are some unmentioned assumptions this script makes. Personally I write my blog entries in BBEdit using Markdown. Posting Markdown directly to my server is ideal because it handles the Markdown->HTML conversion. I assume this script will work equally well with hand-coded HTML but I haven't tried it. It is very likely there are some edge-case encoding issues that AppleScript doesn't handle without some hand-holding. AppleScript isn't really my area of expertise.