Erajaya CLI generate project.
├── cmd/
│ ├── main.go Initial stage of the application will run.
├── database/
│ ├── migrate/
│ │ ├── up.go Database migrate up, 'go run database/migrate/up.go'.
│ ├── schema_migration/ Contain database migrate sql file.
├── docs/
│ ├── errors.json Contain all errors list to be deplayed by frontend.
├── internal/
│ ├── controller/ Contain things related to gather input (REST/gRPC/console/etc) and pass input as request to service.
│ │ ├── http/
│ │ ├── grpc/
│ ├── repository/ Contain things related to persistence (CRUD database/redis/etc).
│ ├── router/
│ │ ├── injection.go Contain dependency injection from controller to service to repository.
│ ├── service/ Contain business logic, this package get input request from controller, this package use repository for things related to persistence.
├── go.mod
└── go.sum
You can install by using go binary.
go install
or you can define your prefered version.
go install[email protected]
Or you can download erago binary from release page.
You can check your version by running.
erago version
Follow installation.
Create new project.
erago create-project
New project will be created in directory go-customer
- Create new domain.
cd go-customer && erago create-domain profile
New domain will be created in directory internal/controller/http/
and internal/service/
and internal/repository/
hidayat@thinkubuntu:~$ erago --help
Erajaya CLI generate project.
erago [command]
Available Commands:
create-domain Create new domain with the provided domain name
create-project Create new project with the provided domain name
explain Explain code architecture
help Help about any command
version Print erago version
-h, --help help for erago
Use "erago [command] --help" for more information about a command.