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Releases: spidersouris/touying-unistra-pristine


24 Feb 21:30
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v1.3.1 (2025-02-24)


This version was re-released on 2025-02-25 with commit 53d2e1c to update to Touying 0.6.1.


  • Updated to Typst 0.13.0.
  • Updated to Touying 0.6.0.


  • Added support for PDF outline bookmarks (will use the value of the outlined parameter in the focus-slide() function).


  • Fixed footer upper separator showing when either title or subtitle was empty.


06 Jan 16:51
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v1.3.0 (2025-06-01)


  • Updated to Touying 0.5.5.


  • Outline Slides:
    • New slide type.
      • Invoked using the outline-slide() function.
      • Automatically generates a table of contents that lists focus slides from the presentation.
        • Set the new outline parameter to false in the focus-slide() function to exclude a slide from the table of contents.
      • Takes the following parameters:
        • title (str): The title of the slide. Default: "Outline".
        • title-size (length): The size of the title. Default: 1.5em.
        • content-size (length): The size of the content. Default: 1.2em.
        • fill (color): The fill color of the outline block. Default: nblue.D.
        • outset (length): The outset of the outline block. Default: 30pt.
        • height (ratio): The height of the outline block. Default: 80%.
        • radius (ratio): The radius of the outline block. Default: 7%.
        • ..args: Additional arguments to pass to the outline.
  • Appendix Slides:
    • Added custom footer label support for appendix slides (slides that appear after #show: appendix, e.g. bibliography).
      • By default, an italic "A-" label will be shown in the footer right before the slide number. The content of the label can be changed using the settings (see below).


  • Added new settings to further customize the custom quote element:
    • margin-top (relative | fraction): The top margin of the quote. Default: 0em.
    • outset (relative | dictionary): The outset of the quote box. Default: 0.5em.
    • These settings should be specified in the config-store() object under the quote key, when initializing unistra-theme.
  • Added footer-appendix-label (str) setting to customize the label shown in the footer for appendix slides. Default: "A-".


  • Replaced the default [‣] first-child item list marker with [--] to fix alignment issues.


21 Nov 21:30
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v1.2.0 (2024-11-21)


  • Updated to Typst 0.12.0.


  • Title Slides:
    • Added multiple logo support.
      • Use the logos parameter to specify several logos to be shown side-by-side. logos takes an array of images as input. Both logo and logos cannot be set at the same time.


  • Reworked how settings are handled to allow full compatibility with Typst Universe.
    • Settings should now be specified by adding the config-store() object when initializing unistra-theme, as it is standard to do with Touying themes.
    • The following settings are available: show-header (bool), show-footer (bool), footer-upper-sep (str), footer-lower-sep (str), font (array[str]), quotes (dict[str]).


  • Admonitions now allow the following optional arguments:
    • lang (str, default: "fr"): the language to show the admonition title in. Accepts one of the langs in the ADMONITION-TRANSLATIONS dict.
    • plural (bool, default: false): whether the admonition title should be plural.
    • show-numbering (bool, default: false): whether the admonition number should be appended before the title. This replaces the old ADMONITION-NUMBERING setting in settings.typ, and allows for individual admonition customization.


  • Added support for short-title and short-subtitle parameters in config-info object.
  • Reduced list item spacing to 1em.


  • Minor fixes to positioning.


21 Oct 19:43
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v1.1.0 (2024-10-16)


  • Updated to Touying 0.5.3.


  • Hero Slides:
    • Added the following parameters: fill, inset, footnote.
      • fill (color): allows to fill the entire slide with a color. It can be used to achieve a better result if an image with a fixed background color different from the default one does not properly cover the entire slide, leaving some parts of the default background color visible.
      • inset (length): allows to specify the negative inset value for the image to take the most space possible on the slide.
      • footnote (bool): allows to specify whether there is a footnote. If true, gives some width to accommodate the footnote. Experimental feature. Default: false.
    • Removed the following parameters: img-height, img-width, text-fill, text-alignment, enhanced-text.
    • The txt parameter, used to show text next to the image, is now a dictionary accepting the following optional keys: text, enhanced, fill, align.
      • text (str): the text to display. Default: none.
      • enhanced (bool | function): whether to enhance the text. Can pass a custom function that will act as a callback to enhance the text. Default: true.
      • fill (color): the fill color of the text. Default: none.
      • align (alignment): the alignment of the text. Default: horizon + center.


  • Added all the colors from the official color palette of the University of Strasbourg to colors.typ.
    • Every color is defined as a dictionary with its different shades as keys (A: dark (foncée), B: vivid (vive), C: pale (layette), D: light (claire), E: Web colors (Web)).
      • The following colors and their shades are included: grey, maroon, brown, orange, red, pink, purple, violet, nblue, cyan, ngreen, green, camo, yellow.
        • Example use: grey.A for the dark shade of grey, maroon.B for the vivid shade of maroon, etc.
    • Standard colors black, white, and link-color remain available without dictionary use.
  • Added the following colorthemes: forest, berry, ocean, lavender, moss, clay, mint, lemon, wine.


  • The image on hero slides now takes double the space of the text box width on the main axis (LTR, RTL) when text is provided.
  • Increased font size from 22pt to 25pt.
  • Fixed template title slide missing logo.
  • Fixed outdated title-slide function docstring.
  • Fixed logo in footer not positioning correctly.
  • Fixed other footer positioning issues.


18 Sep 17:39
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Initial release for publication as a Typst template package.


31 Aug 12:42
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v0.2.0 Pre-release

v0.2.0 (2024-08-30)



  • Focus Slides:
    • Added counter support.
    • Added the following parameters: text_alignment, show_counter.
    • Added the following parameters to grandientize(): lighten-pct, angle`.
  • Title Slides:
    • Added the following parameters: title, subtitle.
  • Hero Slides:
    • Added support for the following directions: left-to-right (default), right-to-left, up-to-down, down-to-up.
    • Added caption support.
        • Captions can be bolded using bold_caption: true.
    • Added enhanced text option.
      • Enhanced text appears bigger than normal text, in bold, and close to the image for better visibility.
      • Enhanced text can have a background using the text_fill parameter and specifying a fill color.
    • Added option to hide footer on individual slides.
    • Added the following parameters: bold_caption, caption, direction, enhanced_text, gap, heading_level, hide_footer, img_height, img_width, numbering, rows, text_alignment, text_fill, txt.
  • Gallery Slides:
    • Added caption support for individual images.
      • Captions can be bolded using bold_caption: true.
    • Added the following parameters: captions, height, gutter, subtitle, bold_caption, heading_level, width, gap.


  • Added "Brainstorming" admonition type.
  • Added "Question" admonition type.
  • Added option to enable or disable admonition numbering (default: false).
  • Added localization support.


  • Added the following settings:
    • ADMONITION_NUMBERING (default: false),
    • DEBUG (default: false),
    • FOOTER_LOWER_SEP (footer lower separator) (default: " | "),
    • FOOTER_UPPER_SEP (footer upper separator) (default: " | "),
    • LANGUAGE (used for Typst's text() lang parameter) (default: "fr"),
    • QUOTES (used to specify left and right quotation mark characters for the "Quote" element) (default: "« ,  »).
  • Added wiki page listing settings.


  • Updated example with newest changes.
  • Added a customized version of quote.
  • Added the following exportable methods: smaller, smallest.
    • smaller sets text to 25pt.
    • smallest sets text to 20pt.
  • Added link-color to colors.typ.


  • Fixed aligment issue with cell().
  • Fixed alignment issue with focus-slide().
  • Improved focus-slide() theme-related error messages.


  • Added licence.


05 Aug 16:06
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v0.1.0 Pre-release

Initial pre-release.