This release makes the Frontend gem fully compatible with Hotwire/Turbo, switches to Importmap asset handling - the new default in Rails, and introduces a new updated look and feel. Enjoy!
What's Changed
- Remove default_country_id from Spree::Config by @rafalcymerys in #58
- SP-176 Run specs with ruby 3.3 by @tomdonarski in #60
- Trigger change event for cart form variant_id by @mbajur in #51
- Remove jsbundling-rails dependency by @damianlegawiec in #62
- fixed: don't overwrite the manifest.js file during installation by @damianlegawiec in #63
- fixed turbo integration with importmap by @damianlegawiec in #64
- Disable HTTP caching by default by @damianlegawiec in #65
- Setup importmap by @damianlegawiec in #66
- general gem cleanup to prepare for v4.8 by @damianlegawiec in #70
- Feature/new design by @damianlegawiec in #74
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v4.7.0...v4.8.0