⭐ New Features
- Add Observation to Stream Components #2467
- Invoke RabbitListenerErrorHandler with Async Return Types #2461
- Add Kotlin Coroutine support #1210
🐞 Bug Fixes
- AmqpException when testing
#2456 - setRedeclareManualDeclarations not honoured if no queue beans declared #2452
- If there is no regular AMQP activity in the application, the
does not declare Rabbit entities #2451
📔 Documentation
- Improve Docs for Choosing a Connection Factory #2473
- Adding SSL configuration through RabbitConnectionFactoryBean approach into the documentation #2472
- Fix typo in stream.adoc #2466
- Aligned client connection order reference. #2459
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade Spring Framework, Data, Retry, Micrometer, Reactor Versions #2477
❤️ Contributors
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@dlehammer and @making