QtAwesome 1.1.0
What's Changed
- PR: Support alpha in colors by @ccordoba12 in #166
- PR: Add Phosphor and Remix Icon support by @kumattau in #169
- PR: Add PySide6 support for qta-browser by @kumattau in #171
- PR: Add Microsoft's Codicons 0.0.25 font by @darkvertex in #152
- PR: Update FA to 5.14.0 + fix setupbase.py for Py3 by @darkvertex in #151
- PR: Update author information and add maintainer one by @ccordoba12 in #177
- PR: Update Material Design Icons to 5.9.55 and add support for new mayor version 6.x - 6.3.95 by @kumattau in #174
- PR: Default icon color to application palette by @dalthviz in #176
- PR: Update missing references for new/updated icon sets by @kumattau in #180
- PR: [qta-browser] display selected icon name, Ctrl+F to search icons and tab stops in order of widget appearance by @kumattau in #182
- PR: Update images and example code layout by @dalthviz in #181
New Contributors
Full commits list between this release and the previous one: v1.0.3...v1.1.0
Full Changelog: CHANGELOG.md - Version 1.1.0 (2021-11-02)