An IRC Client for Node.js written in CoffeeScript, used in the Squelch IRC client.
You can find the full documentation here.
npm install squelch-client
There will be more extensive examples soon. For now, here is a simple IRC echo bot in CoffeeScript.
Client = require 'squelch-client'
client = new Client
server: ""
nick: "TestBot"
autoConnect: false
channels: ["#kellyirc"]
.then ({nick}) ->
client.on 'msg', ({from, to, msg}) ->
if to is "#kellyirc"
client.msg to, "ECHO: #{msg}"
By default, squelch-client does not output anything to the console. If you wish to see debug output, run node with the DEBUG
environment variable set to squelch-client:*
. To only output errors, use squelch-client:error
$ DEBUG=squelch-client:* node main.js