SocialDash fetches data from various social media accounts and presents it in a dashboard.
Install dependencies
bundle install
Create and migrate databse
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
Setup applications in twitter and facebook , create a file called app_env_vars.rb in config folder with following contents :
vi config/app_env_vars.rb
ENV['TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET'] = 'ayvHhoQ7uWTzasdFNDA9h2GvhTwpgf373OoOyOh7w'
ENV['FACEBOOK_KEY'] = '1832069484721'
ENV['FACEBOOK_SECRET'] = '1af5000sri8d635ce466da0874f13d20'
Setup a cron job to run the following rake task:
rake app:load_insights
This rake task loads likes , comments , replies and retweets for the previous day into database.