It's a full-stack e-commerce react app where users can place orders by creating accounts. Also, through the admin account orders can be marked as delivered and new products can be added.
Admin Credendetials [email protected] 123456
User Credendetials [email protected] 123456
- CORS error couldn't be solved just by adding proxy in the frontend, so I had to add app.use(cors()) to solve this problem.
- JWT token and cookie were not being fetched in the backend due to sameSite:"strict" and from frontend react I had add "credentials:include" from rtk query.
- Entire screen was shaking while adding close-open animation to the orders accordion, then put it inside a parent container with width:100% and height:100vh to solve the problem.
- JSON.stringify() is not allowed with rtk query and it's not clearly mentioned anywhere, so detected it with trial-error.
- Generally we configure build folder in the backend for default path but vite creates dist so configured accordingly "/frontend/dist".
- User creation and authentication using JWT Token.
- Users can place orders.
- Users can check order status.
- Admins can update the order status.
- Admins can upload products.
Plugin Name |
Rect |
Node.js |
MongoDB |
Typescript |