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It looks like the external account you're trying to link is already associated with a different user We plan to add support for accounts merge in the near future, but for now you have the options to either use that account separately, or remove one of the accounts. If you think this is a bug/problem on our end, please file an issue over at #1399

It looks like the external account you're trying to link is already associated with a different user We plan to add support for accounts merge in the near future, but for now you have the options to either use that account separately, or remove one of the accounts. If you think this is a bug/problem on our end, please file an issue over at

It looks like the external account you're trying to link is already associated with a different user We plan to add support for accounts merge in the near future, but for now you have the options to either use that account separately, or remove one of the accounts. If you think this is a bug/problem on our end, please file an issue over at #1399

name: Close Issues with Blank Description
types: [opened]
if: "${{ github.event.issue.body == '' }}"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: close empty issues
# v1.0.0
uses: kerhub/saved-replies@dd3633c3608fcc768978988b012871d66f98f7d6
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
state: 'closed'
reply: |
A minimal context is required to triage your issue.
Please open a new issue using one of our templates available [here](