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Compilers, Runtimes, and PLT
Otus Lisp (Ol in short) is a purely* functional dialect of Lisp.
A small extensible programming language designed for concise expression with little code.
Datalog compiler embedded in Rust as a procedural macro
An open-source interpreter for the K5 programming language.
Open-source implementation of the K programming language
An implementation of MacroML [Ganz, Sabry & Taha 2001]
syntactic closures built on top of Clojure's macro system
The Z Garbage Collector https://wiki.openjdk.org/display/zgc
Eclipse OMR™ Cross platform components for building reliable, high performance language runtimes
Examples from my invokedynamic "deep dive" talk
A small, weird and unpractical programming language.
Bolt is a language with in-built data-race freedom!
A simple example language built using the Truffle API.
A friendly programming language from the future
A statically-typed functional language with generics, typeclasses, sum types, pattern-matching, first-class functions, currying, algebraic effects, associated types, good diagnostics, etc.
A language with lexical effect handlers and lightweight effect polymorphism
Comparison of Rust async and Linux thread context switch time.
CG/SQL is a compiler that converts a SQL Stored Procedure like language into C for SQLite. SQLite has no stored procedures of its own. CG/CQL can also generate other useful artifacts for testing an…