When you install the cuda GPU library and tensorflow, please check wheather they are compatible. You also should check python default version and pip default version.
SSH login cluser:
ssh `username@hostaddress`
Install git on the cluster
apt-get install git
Setup from the scrtip
. `cluster-setup.sh`
Sometimes you want to run some scripts via command line, and you may close the command line and check the results later. Then you can use screen
- Start a
screen -S `your-preferred-screen-name`
ctrl+A, ctrl+D
to leave the screen. -
Check results later
screen -r `your-preferred-screen-name`
- Kill a screen
screen -S `your-preferred-screen-name` -X quit
- Alternative: tmux
You want to save image, but you may get _tkinter.TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable
. You can simply run the following command before running your code:
export MPLBACKEND="agg"
sudo apt autoremove cuda
use cuda8 instead
sudo apt-get install cuda-8-0
- help
man split
- Command
split --byte="20M" `file_name` `prefix for the splitted file`
split -b 20m `file_name` `prefix for the splitted file`
split --byte="25M" `largefile` `part`
- post process
move the spliited files to a folder
mv prefix* `./file_name`
mv part* `./largefile`
- merge
cat * > `file_name`
- CS231n: Google Cloud Tutorial. link