Generic openEHR Client and Objekt-mapper:
- Define entity classes for openEHR-Templates (v1.4) in a jpa like way
- Map entity <-> Archie RM objekts.
- RestClient for openEHR Rest-API
- AQL-Query generator (Alpha)
- Autogenerate entity classes from template
- Opt 1.4 xmlbeans
- DTO's representing the response for the ehrsacpe and openEHR Rest API
- Mini openEHR terminologie implementation
- Validation of Compositions against templates
- Example templates and Composition for tests
- map Compositions from and to JSON;XML
- Map an Aql-String from and to an Aql-Dto-Model.
- Not supported right now:
- functions
- matches
- like
- compare path to path expressions
- Support web-templates and flat-format
- New Dto generator and Dto mapper
- CircleCI pipeline w/ Jacoco code coverage and analysis
- semi automated version updating via [major] / [minor] / [patch] flags in merge commit title of Github PR
- updated test dependencies to use Junit5
- RestClient for DIRECTORY endpoint
- Improved clean-up of empty elements
- Improved generation of EVENT classes
- Automated generation of PARTICIPATION classes
- Added support for PARTY_PROXY
- Moved to EHRbase 11
Use one of the options below to build the project.
This option skipps integration tests. Code coverage report is based on unit tests only.
mvn clean install
or any specific maven phase
mvn clean test
mvn clean verify
mvn clean package
This option includes unit as well as integration tests. Three coverage reports are generated: unit test report, integration test report and overall coverage report.
mvn clean install -DskipIntegrationTests=false
or any specific maven phase
mvn clean verify -DskipIntegrationTests=false
mvn clean package -DskipIntegrationTests=false
mvn clean -Pfast test # will execute unit tests only
mvn clean -Pslow test # will execute integration tests only
mvn clean -Pfull test # will execute all test
NOTE: This option may not properly generate coverage reports because Jacoco is not configured in the profiles. Feel free to provide a PR to enhance this 😉
To generate an entity class from a template use
java -jar generator-version.jar
-h show help
-opt <arg> path to opt file
-out <arg> path to output directory
-package <arg> package name
-config <arg> optional Path to config file
In the optional config file you can define
Parameter | Default | Description |
optimizerSetting | SECTION | Defines if nodes which belong to are archetype but are single valued generate a new class:
addNullFlavor | true | Whether or not to generate null flavor fields for Elements. |
generateChoicesForSingleEvent | false | Whether or not to generate Choices (POINT_EVENT & INTERVAL_EVENT) fields for a single EVENT. If "false" only POINT_EVENT will be generated. |
replaceChars | German and Norwegian Characters | Map to define Characters in the Node name to be replaced. |
see generator/src/main/resources/DefaultConfig.yaml
You can include release versions of the SDK via maven central
If you need specific development-versions, you can use
see FlattenerTest and UnflattenerTest
- ehr : see DefaultRestEhrEndpointIT
- composition: see DefaultRestCompositionEndpointIT
- template : see DefaultRestTemplateEndpointIT
- directory : see DefaultRestDirectoryEndpointIT
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.