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pdnm committed Jan 13, 2019
1 parent df0594f commit 53ffec4
Showing 1 changed file with 240 additions and 0 deletions.
240 changes: 240 additions & 0 deletions ch7/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
open Printf

(* From *)

let eps = 1e-9
let near x y = abs_float (x -. y) < eps
let pi = Float.pi

let deg_to_rad d = d *. pi /. 180.
let rad_to_deg r = r *. 180. /. pi

type point = { x: float; y: float }
let point (x, y) = { x; y }

let dist a b = hypot (a.x -. b.x) (a.y -. b.y)

type vector = Vector of float * float

let to_vec a b = Vector(b.x -. a.x, b.y -. a.y)
let scale (Vector(a, b)) s = Vector(a *. s, b *. s)
let translate {x; y} (Vector(a, b)) = point(x +. a, y +. b)
let dot (Vector(a1, b1)) (Vector(a2, b2)) = a1 *. a2 +. b1 *. b2
let norm v = sqrt (dot v v)
let cross (Vector(a1, b1)) (Vector(a2, b2)) = a1 *. b2 -. a2 *. b1

let angle a o b =
let oa = to_vec o a in
let ob = to_vec o b in
acos (dot oa ob /. (norm oa *. norm ob))

let collinear p q r = near (cross (to_vec p q) (to_vec p r)) 0.

(* End from *)

let ccw p q r =
let s = cross (to_vec p q) (to_vec p r) in
if near s 0. then 0 else
if s > 0. then 1 else -1

module Polygon : sig
type t = point array
val of_points : point list -> t
val points : t -> point list
val perimeter : t -> float
val area : t -> float
val area_alternative : t -> float
val is_convex : t -> bool
val in_polygon : t -> point -> bool
val cut_polygon : t -> point -> point -> t
val convex_hull : point list -> t
end = struct
(** Counter-clockwise order, the last point is the same as the first point *)
type t = point array

let of_points ps =
let n = List.length ps in
let arr = Array.make (n + 1) (point(0., 0.)) in
ps |> List.iteri (fun i v -> arr.(i) <- v);
arr.(n) <- arr.(0);

let points p = p |> Array.to_list |>

let perimeter p =
let n = Array.length p in
let result = ref 0. in
for i = 0 to n - 2 do
let a, b = p.(i), p.(i + 1) in
result := !result +. dist a b

let area p =
let n = Array.length p in
let result = ref 0. in
for i = 0 to n - 2 do
let a, b = p.(i), p.(i + 1) in
result := !result +. (a.x *. b.y -. b.x *. a.y)
abs_float !result /. 2.0

let area_alternative p =
let n = Array.length p in
let o = point(0., 0.) in
let result = ref 0. in
for i = 0 to n - 2 do
let a, b = p.(i), p.(i + 1) in
result := !result +. cross (to_vec o a) (to_vec o b)
abs_float !result /. 2.0

let is_convex p =
let n = Array.length p in
if n <= 3 then false else begin
let l, r = ref false, ref false in
for i = 0 to n - 2 do
let a, b, c = p.(i), p.(i + 1), p.(if i + 2 = n then 1 else i + 2) in
let s = ccw a b c in
if s = 1 then l := true else
if s = -1 then r := true
not (!l && !r)

let in_polygon p point =
let n = Array.length p in
if n <= 3 then false else begin
let sum = ref 0. in
let border = ref false in
for i = 0 to n - 2 do
let a, b = p.(i), p.(i + 1) in
let side = ccw point a b in
if side = 1 then
sum := !sum +. angle a point b
else if side = -1 then sum := !sum -. angle a point b
else border := true
!border || abs_float !sum > pi

let line_intersect_segment p q r s =
let a = s.y -. r.y in
let b = r.x -. s.x in
let c = s.x *. r.y -. r.x *. s.y in
let u = abs_float (a *. p.x +. b *. p.y +. c) in
let v = abs_float (a *. q.x +. b *. q.y +. c) in
point((p.x *. v +. q.x *. u) /. (u+.v), (p.y *. v +. q.y *. u) /. (u+.v))

let cut_polygon p a b =
let p' = ref [] in
let n = Array.length p in
for i = 0 to n - 1 do
let left1 = cross (to_vec a b) (to_vec a p.(i)) in
let left2 =
if i <> n - 1 then cross (to_vec a b) (to_vec a p.(i + 1))
else 0. in
if left1 > -. eps then p' := p.(i) :: !p'; (* Q[i] is on the left of ab *)
if left1 *. left2 < -.eps then (* edge (Q[i], Q[i+1]) crosses line ab *)
p' := line_intersect_segment p.(i) p.(i + 1) a b :: !p';
if List.length !p' > 0 then begin
let last = !p' |> List.fold_left (fun _ x -> x) (point(0., 0.)) in
if last <> (List.hd !p') then p' := last :: !p'
!p' |> List.rev |> Array.of_list

(** Andrew's algorithm *)
let convex_hull points =
let points = points |> Array.of_list in
points |> Array.sort (fun a b ->
compare (a.x, a.y) (b.x, b.y));
let n = Array.length points in
let hull = Array.make (2 * n) (point(0., 0.)) in
let k = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to n - 1 do
while !k >= 2 && ccw hull.(!k-2) hull.(!k-1) points.(i) <= 0 do
decr k
hull.(!k) <- points.(i);
incr k
let t = !k + 1 in
for i = n - 2 downto 0 do
while !k >= t && ccw hull.(!k-2) hull.(!k-1) points.(i) <= 0 do
decr k
hull.(!k) <- points.(i);
incr k
let result = Array.make (!k + 1) hull.(0) in
for i = 0 to !k - 1 do result.(i) <- hull.(i) done;

let () =
let p = [(1, 1); (3, 3); (9, 1); (12, 4); (9, 7); (1, 7)]
|> (fun (x, y) -> point(float_of_int x, float_of_int y))
|> Polygon.of_points in

printf "Perimeter of polygon = %.2f\n" (Polygon.perimeter p);
printf "Area of polygon = %.2f\n" (Polygon.area p);
printf "Area of polygon = %.2f\n" (Polygon.area_alternative p);
printf "Is convex = %b\n" (Polygon.is_convex p);

(* the positions of P6 and P7 w.r.t the polygon
7 P5--------------P4
6 | \
5 | \
4 | P7 P3
3 | P1___ /
2 | / P6 \ ___ /
1 P0 P2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 *)

let p6 = point(3., 2.) in
printf "Point P6 is inside this polygon = %b\n"
(Polygon.in_polygon p p6);
let p7 = point(3., 4.) in
printf "Point P7 is inside this polygon = %b\n"
(Polygon.in_polygon p p7);

(* cutting the original polygon based on line P[2] -> P[4] (get the left side)
7 P5--------------P4
6 | | \
5 | | \
4 | | P3
3 | P1___ | /
2 | / \ ___ | /
1 P0 P2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112
new polygon (notice the index are different now):
7 P4--------------P3
6 | |
5 | |
4 | |
3 | P1___ |
2 | / \ ___ |
1 P0 P2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 *)

let p = Polygon.cut_polygon p (point(9., 1.)) (point(9., 7.)) in
printf "Perimeter of polygon = %.2f\n" (Polygon.perimeter p);
printf "Area of polygon = %.2f\n" (Polygon.area p);

(* running convex hull of the resulting polygon (index changes again)
7 P3--------------P2
6 | |
5 | |
4 | P7 |
3 | |
2 | |
1 P0--------------P1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 *)

let p = Polygon.convex_hull (Polygon.points p) in
printf "Perimeter of polygon = %.2f\n" (Polygon.perimeter p);
printf "Area of polygon = %.2f\n" (Polygon.area p);
printf "Is convex = %b\n" (Polygon.is_convex p);
printf "Point P6 is inside this polygon = %b\n" (Polygon.in_polygon p p6);
printf "Point P7 is inside this polygon = %b\n" (Polygon.in_polygon p p7)

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