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Releases: stevenhuyn/fabric-pebble


20 Apr 15:26
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Release 1.0!

  • Added third person pose/animation for the pebble charge up
  • I am still unable to find where in the Minecraft code to move the position of the pebble, I would prefer if it was on the end of the arm instead of on top.

At this point however, the pebble mod has complete functionality (from my own subjective view)
If you want to see what future awaits checkout the Projects board:



15 Apr 11:59
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  • Add damage scaling: Damage scales from 0.5 -> 2 hearts, with 2.5 hearts on crit (pull charge)
  • Pebble renders further
  • Increase force of pebble
  • Beautify and centre critical trail on pebble


12 Apr 23:48
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Learnt to use some basic Mixins, I am now injecting code into the Minecraft code!


  • Added proper/custom pebble collision particles
  • Hijacked item rendering to be able to change charge time of pebble, it is now 12 ticks (as opposed to the default inherited bow value of 22)


  • Make more custom charge animation (I would like the pebble to not wobble, but just be brought back like someone throwing a ball)


09 Apr 05:09
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  • Crafting Recipe added, see README
  • Pebble has a proper name now in game, instead of the auto generated one

This marks the point where the mod is functional.

Next release should be tuning/upgrading the parameters/feel of the pebble.


08 Apr 14:44
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You can now critical with the pebble!
Pull the pebble back for roughly 1.25 seconds and on release you will see critical particles, with the added bonus that the pebble does slightly more damage!

This should be implemented in a way that should automatically work in a dedicated server setting. (I hope).

That was weirdly a lot of work:

  • Refactor out deprecated networking module
  • Learn how Fabric API handles networking
  • The structure of how server/client works. (Singleplayer has a virtual server!)

I also found the a jar for the javadocs for the Fabric API finally and worked out how to unpack that boy (lol), which should speed up my development immensely.


03 Apr 05:06
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Update mod version