This VIM config is intended for use on Windows (gVim) and with Croatian keyboards. You have been warned.
You can use it as you like.
it is bad practice to work with Vim installation directory, I am just lazy
From gVim installation directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim on my Win7):
- Delete vimfiles directory
- Delete vim74/autoload directory
- Delete
file - Run
git clone
- cd into $VIMDIR/mygitconfig and move (cut) all files into $VIMDIR (including hidden and .git files)
- cd into $VIMDIR and delete myvimconfig directory
- Run
git submodule init
- Run
git submodule update
That should be it.
- Standard autoload scripts which come with Windows version of Vim
- Pathogen (in autoload directory)
- CtrlP
- NERDTree
- SuperTAB (using <c-space>)
- Syntastic
- VIM Commentary
- VIM Autoclose
- Tabular
- snipMate
- emmet
Color scheme: molokai
Leader key is ,.
Use - instead of :.
š moves to the first non white in line. đ moves to end of line. ž moves to beginning of line.
You can use <C-J|K|H|L> to navigate windows.
,ev to edit _vimrc.
,rr to reload _vimrc
,/ to toggle search highlights.
You can use ,eh to edit hosts file.
<F4> will open NERDTree. <C-P> will trigger CtrlP. <F3> will toggle paste mode.
,tn will open new tab. ,tc will close tab. ,te will ask you for a file and open it in new tab.
,f to find currently opened file in NERDTree.
Use ,= to align on =
Use for SuperTab completion.