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Arko edited this page Dec 8, 2019 · 8 revisions

Known Issues:

Problem 1:

Flashing the chip using "st-flash --format ihex write serial.hex" works fine, but the program fails to run when the MCU is reset.


TBD Possible leads: BOOT0 configuration

Problem 2:

Discovered odd behavior when flashing new programs to the MCU. I.e - RXNE register wasn't getting set even though UART data was being transmitted to the MCU.

Solution (work around):

Perform a hardware reset (button if your board has it) before flashing the MCU.

Problem 3:

Discovered more odd behavior when flashing new programs to the MCU. I.e - TIMER2 interrupt would crash the program after the first call.

Solution (work around):

With the st-link programmer and USB debug cable attached, press and hold the MCU reset button for 5-10 seconds. Then release. If this doesn't work, multiple resets maybe required.

If that still doesn't work, remove power from the device by disconnecting the st-link programmer tool and USB debug cable and wait a few seconds. Reconnect the USB debug cable. If this doesn't work, press and hold the MCU reset button for 5-10 seconds. Multiple resets maybe required. The root cause of this issue is tbd and likely due to an odd configuration artifacts left over by the st-link programmer tool under certain conditions.